Daily Check in Thurs May28


Sleepmax was the name of my workout this AM - not expecting much doms tomorrow. :)

Have a good day all.
Good Morning Phyllis & all who follow

sleep max too funny - oh have you heard the buzz about the New Moon filming? Some set photos from Italy were out yesterday and they are so cool.

My last week of CLX Lean Circuit 1 week 4 Gosh I really need to think about what I plan on doing next. I really have enjoyed CLX esp the short workout times :)

Have a Great day everyone.

Hi everyone,

Vilma - Have you noticed results from CLX? I was more interested in that workout series than STS.

Phyllis - I don't see Sleepmax on the rotation...hmm..still looking....

Today was 30 minutes Cardio - Kari's Push hi/lo, Amy's Ab section 1 and Amy's Stretch section 1.
Good Morning !

Phyllis, I wish Sleepmax was on MY rotation !!! I heard that's a good one !;):D Good for you !!

I decided to do legs today. I know. ME, CHOOSE legs ???:rolleyes: But it was basically with no weights and it was one I'd done in the past and really liked.
All From B&G : walking lunges, firewalkers, walking lunges, firewalkers and floorwork .
It really got in there.

Think since I got done so early, I'll do 30 min. on the bike too.

Have a great day . Tomorrow's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D

I think sleepmax is one of Cathe's quick fixes ;)

Vilma, no I hadn't heard about the New Moon filming. I'll have to look it up tonight on the net. I imagine the photos are there some where?

Conni, Becky, Vilma - you should join me in the Get Ready for Summer Rotation.

DH and I cleaned out a closet this past weekend and I uncovered my Firm Fanny lifter. I listed it and my 20 Firm VHS tapes on Ebay. It's only up to $12.
Boy, it took me a long time to accumulate all those tapes. It's sad to see them go, but I'll never use the VHS again.:( Oh, and the fanny lifter cost me $50 when I got it!! I was so excited.
Phyllis, I might join you......I LOVE that rotation ! I've done it several times. First I am waiting to see what Cathe puts out for June. Somewhere I read she is doing an "after STS rotation" . and I'm really interested in that .

Bike is done. 12.2 miles in 30 minutes (including w/u & c/d)
I am dripping !!!

Conni Yes I have noticed results actually have been monitoring my measurements & BF% all going down. CLX helped me break through a plateau I was on. I esp like the short time frame.

Phyllis I have links but they are big spoiler photos of their 'reunion' in Italy. If you want to see the photos check out the link ;) Twilight fandom has been in a frenzy since they came out yesterday :) This one link in particular is is not dialup friendly but I don't know anyone who uses dial up anymore.

I still have my Firm fanny lifter the cats use it as a perch to look out the window sometimes. I still have lots of VHS workouts and I may just end up donating them to the library.

When do you plan on starting that rotation ? My workout week starts today and its my last week w/ CLX.

Hi gals, I did 36 min. of a taebo workout before going to the gym, at the gym I did 45 min. of abs, chest, shoulders, and back plus 30 min. on the treadmill doing intervals. I think I pretty much worked myself out today. It all felt good.

Have a great day!!:D
Hey everybody!

Late check-in for me today. I did STS disc 20 legs and boy it was a workout.

The phone just rang and it is DD so since I can't talk and type at the same time, I'll cut this short!:D

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