Daily Check-in Thurs Mar 8


Good morning!

I loved LIC yesterday. What a great workout!

Today will be KPC.

Do you realize we have to spring forward this weekend? This is earlier than we usually do it. I love the longer days but boy do I hate losing that hour of sleep!!!

Have a good one!
Good Morning!

Jane, LIC is great! It will be a little strange changing the time so early, but I will enjoy the extra daylight. I'm one of those people who feels that when it's dark out, I need to hurry up and get home. I don't like to venture out if I don't have to. It's a wierd mindset.

I did MM upper body premix and abs. Not bad. I don't feel like I've lost too much strength.


Phyllis... that is not wierd at all as far as I'm concerned because I'm the same way!! I want to be home when it's dark. I am not a "night life" person.
Hi Jane, Phyllis and all who follow.

I was supposed to do S&A/ARX y'day but didn't have it in me. I was still VERY sore from C&B and just wasn't feeling the desire to exercise AT ALL! Well, I picked myself up in the evening and got to the gym for my class atleast..STEP. So today is S&A/ARX at nap time and then yoga this evening.

Have a great day everyone.:)
Good Morning Everyone!

Phyllis, good workout! Am glad to see you "back"!
I am the same way about being home at dark. I always thought I was just weird that way but really know quite a few other friends who feel the same way.
I LOVE the time change! Longer days, more sunlight.......bring it ON!!!:7

Connie, did you get the snow yesterday? I saw it on the news. We missed it this time (oh, was I grateful!!!), but thought of you.
Hopefully this is IT !!!!! NO more cold and snow !!!!

I had a horrible night. Just couldn't sleep for anything. I got just over an HOUR's sleep all night long, so am NOT looking forward to this day! ugh. I don't know what that was about, but I didn't enjoy it.

Today is LIS. I'll do my best to get it done!

Have a good one everybody.
Tomorrow's FRIDAY!!!:D
I did both Phyllis. I know they usually recommend getting up, but I find that SOME rest is often better than none, so sometimes I stay in bed.
Last night I read in bed for a while, then when I wasn't getting sleepy in the least I got up for a while.
Then tried again , and on and on, up and down all night.
I dealt with that for months a while back, getting no sleep for days on end and finally ended up on Lunesta (after trying several other things) . My dr.s all seemed to think it was alright to stay on that indefinitely but I didnt, so I weaned myself off and instead take the herb Valerian root every night before bed.
I took it last night too but for whatever reason, it didn't help at all !!
I'm just trying not to get anxious that it might be starting all over again! That was NOT a fun time and I really am hoping last night was just a fluke thing !!!!
Good morning,

Becky - Yes, we got some snow, yuk! Actually we had about 4 inches in our driveway, but the sun came out and some of it melted. It is supposed to be 50 degrees this weekend!
I am sorry you are not sleeping, my dh has issues with that, and it is no fun.

Today was Imax warm up and intervals 1-5, then I switched to Marcus Irwin's Step Fusion, and did segment 3 and 1/2 of 4, so I did an hour of cardio, then did Imax stretch and SJP abs and planks. What a mishmosh!

Have a good day!
Took a rest day, I am still sore from my workout on Monday, think I did something to my shoulder/back. The house was cold and I couldn't warm up so I gave up and got dressed in some warm clothes.

So it turned into an unscheduled rest day. I will be back at it tomorrow I promise.

Have a great day!!:7
Daily Check-in

After my quiet time this morning, I did High Step Challenge. This is such a fun workout with great music. The fast pace keeps my heart rate elevated. I fell on my butt during one of the cardio segments. It was during the step kickboxing using the high step topper. I stepped on the sloped side of the platform, lost my footing, and was flat on my butt before I knew what hit me. I did not miss a beat. I have learned to fall with grace, and I bounced right back up and never looked back with my Cathe calendar to remind me that there is no time for down time! Thankfully, I did not twist my ankle. I am grateful for the extra padding in my rear too. It is good for something! I am much more comfortable with cardio on the club-size step, and I always feel a little insecure during the step cardio segments that use the high step. There is not much stepping space!

I am looking forward to enjoying Stretch Max in the morning. It is time to start winding down for the day.

Has anyone heard from Tammy today? I am very concerned. Tammy, I am praying fervently.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

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