Daily check in Thurs June 8

Good Morning Phyllis and all who follow!

Great work out Phyllis! I haven't done RS in ages!

Yesterday I ended up doing MM which was NOT what was scheduled! LOL And I ended up getting in some cardio at the last minute after dinner...did IMAX 2 interval 1-5. Used only a 4" step since I don't step much lately, I was nervous I'd have trouble. I did fine and it felt good to finally do it again after sooo long!

Today is my steady state run at the gym. I have been doing 3.5 miles and might try to up it to 4 today.}(

It's raining AGAIN here today. I thought yesterday was the only rainy day in the forecast.:-(

It's almost Friday ladies! ENJOY!:+
Good Morning Ladies:) I've got early appointments this a.m. and then a 6 hour gap before this evening's appts. so I'm meeting a friend and we're going to hit some bike trails, should be fun:) My hip flexors are pretty sore from running yesterday. Tomorrow is a shorter run (4K) which should be manageable.

Phyllis, the BBW looks tough and RS is definitely challenging for the legs, nice work!

Wendy, I hope the rain goes away! How have your legs been since you started all of your running? I don't have much DOMS but it is definitely in different places than I'm used to.

Hello to all who follow, enjoy your day!

Take Care

My legs take the running well most of the time. It's my hips that get the DOMS from running! When I run outside though I feel it BIG time in my quads DURING the run. I don't feel it like that on the treadmill. DH says my calves have gotten smaller since I took up running. I haven't measured to see if he's right or just blowing smoke up my butt! LOL I have larger than average size calves so having them shrink a bit would be a good thing!:)
Thanks Wendy, the front of my hip is letting me know that I worked 'em yesterday! It's amazing to me that treadmill running and road running effect the body so differently. My calves are puney, so I'll keep up with calf raises, I've worked too hard for the little bit of muscle I have there, I don't want to go back to chicken legs:+ Thanks again!

Take Care

Calf raises...they KILL me! My calves must be the WEAKEST part of my body! I have yet to complete the calf raises in any work out but LL! I guess I should be happy though as wisdom dictates I should probably skip them all together!;)
Daily Check-in

I borrowed Tracie Long’s Endurance for Movement, did not like it the first time, and decided to try it one more time Tuesday night before returning it. Not only did I not like it, but I hurt my ankle doing it. x( It got worse overnight, I woke up with a very sore ankle yesterday morning, and it hurt to walk. No workout for me. :-( This is turning out to be an unplanned recovery week for me.

My ankle is still sore but better than yesterday. I can go see my doctor tomorrow if I have no other choice. I am avoiding doctors in general until I get closer to my goal weight. I do not need another lecture about being overweight. Yes, I know I am fat. I am doing something about it.

So much for my plans to get some good workouts done before leaving town. I will have to do a lot of walking to make my connection Saturday. Thankfully, I have a long layover in Dallas so I can take my time.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I slept in this morning as I don't start work until 12:00. Today I'm going to do 90X Shoulders/Arms, Step Heat and AbRipperX.

Phyllis: Great workout...RS is so much fun!

Wendy: Have fun at the gym.

Laurie: Enjoy your bike trails and I hope your hip flexors are kind to you.

Heather: I hope your ankle feels better soon.

Robin: How is your shoulder doing? I hope you are finding relief.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
RE: Daily Check-in

Think you are doing a great job Heather!! Hope the ankle gets better, and you have smooth traveling. Good luck.
I have hour cardio and abs today. Let you know what I decide to do!!!

Wendy- I love running now! And the treadmill and outdoors are SOO different!
Have great WO everyone!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Hi Wendy!

Usually by the time I get home from work there are 50+ posts and it is impossible to keep up with y'all. I try to read it now and again. Say howdy to all the <--- girls for me!
Tammy, You have a point! LOL I keep up in the morning but once I leave the computer for too long the thread grows to a point where I can't keep up either! I will pass along your message!:)
Good morning everyone,

Last day of school for my third grade son. He has had a great year, and it is kind of sad, but time moves one I guess.

Today was GS Legs and abwork. I think this is my favorite leg workout of Cathe's ( at the moment, at least..)

Have a great day!
Morning Ladies,

Timesaver #3 this morning. I've increase the weight that I use. WOW! It really makes a difference. Have a wonderful day!! Maybe the sun will come out.
Morning all - had a tough time getting motivated this morning, which isn't usually the case with me. But I did finally get moving and manged a 3M walk. I even did some light jogging down hills and on some of the level areas to keep my heart rate up. My knees don't always like the jogging, but today they seemed to be fine.

Have a super, if somewhat cloudy, day!
Morning Ladies,

Last night, I ended up doing MM love this workout.

Why oh why....I could not fall to sleep last night, I tossed and turned from the time I got into bed, which was around 10ish. I finally fell asleep, I know it was after 1 O'clock. Therefore, I could not keep my morning appt with Kick Max :-( x(

KM was the only workout I had on my rotation for today, so tonight I will push play. Kind of interrupted my plans for this evening. I had planned on renting me a few good movies, and relaxing for the evening. But its all good :p I wouldn’t want to miss out on KM (love this workout too):7 Have a great day all.

Unexpected rest day for me today, so it looks like I'll be taking today off rather than Sunday. I hate when that happens.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hi all,

I did select back and bicep exercises off of PSBB&A today along with the 37 min. premix off of KPC for cardio.

Nice workout all in all about 53 min. long not bad for a hodge podge of weight exercises.

Have a great day!!:D
Hello everyone,
I think I will be doing Musccle Endurance today, but not sure due to some errands and such. Heather, I hope your ankle gets better. It is so annoying when stuff like that happens and you have to take rest weeks. Listen to your body though:) Wendy, good job on your 4 mile run. I am defintley really into the running right now, so I no what an accomplishment 4 miles is. Have a great day folks!


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