Daily Check in Thurs Aug 10


I did it again - slept a little late. I don't think I'll WO tonight, though. I'll just take an unscheduled rest day.

I'm working second shift tomorrow ( scheduling problems ), so I won't be posted as early as usual.

Heather, how great for you to get all those DVD's! I love Lomax. IMAX 3 and I have a love hate relationship. I love the high intensity cardio, but I hate some of the blasts. In particular, is the one when you straddle the step, then jump off and on, and end with jumping jacks on to the step. It's too much for me and I usually modify. Enjoy!

Have great workouts everyone. Phyllis

Good morning everyone!

Today I did iTread #2 40 minutes followed by Step Heat abs. That was a great run! It started out with hill intervals and then sprint intervals. Great stuff!

I may do some more cardio after work depending on my energy level. I hope everyone has great workouts!

Good Morning Everyone,

I am with Phyllis this morning. I slept late. It is like a fall morning here and I just did not want to leave that cozy bed.

Today I will be doing school shopping with my two boys(12 & 5). That in itself is a workout. They hate shopping. I may try and get a bike ride in later.

Have a good one!

Good morning everyone,

Lowmax today, and abs from SH. Cathes' rotation this month is going to kill me!

Have a good day!
Goodmorning Daily Posters. I took a rest day yesterday. With work all day and Bible school in the evening I was just exhausted. I took a vacation day today and am off tomarrow because I work the weekend, so bible school won't take as much out of me today. Today I'm planning to do GS C&T, which has been yesterday's plan. I'm hoping to have the energy to do something cardio after that, probably 1-4 of Low Max. Everyone have a lovely day.
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm not sure what I'm doing today, but I'm sure it will involve some sweating!

Phyllis: Enjoy your rest. DS#2 was gone for three weeks and he had a great time! I'm glad your DD made it home safe and sound too.

BeckyMD: Great workout! I love mixing up hill intervals and speed intervals on the treadmill.

Elaine: Back to school shopping with boys is pure torture...good luck!

Conni: I love how LowMax starts out slow but in the end leaves me a sweaty mess! Have fun!

Robin: Hello! We were posting at the same time!

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Morning everyone -
Add me to the list of those who selpt in today. I had wanted to do Imax and kickstart my cardio week, but all I had time for was All Step. Such is life.

Heather - it's awesome that you got such great surprise. I'm a firm believer in the kindness of strangers.

Elaine - good luck shopping. Not sure which is worse - shopping wth two boys who don't want to be there or with a teenage girl who can't make up her mind on what she wants!

Happy Thursday everyone!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Good Morning.

My Forerunner came yesterday but I haven't had a chance to sit down with it yet so that's on the agenda today. I will probably also hit the gym for spin or the elliptical and head out in the morning for a run with my new "friend". }(

I ended up resting yesterday after all....didn't feel very well most of the day.:-(
I have a busy day ahead, so I did the 8 min. taebo for a quicky workout. I have to take my youngest to swimming lesson this morning then take my oldest this afternoon to be molded for his scoliosis brace. That is supposed to take 2 hours.

And for prayer lists my bil's Non Hodgkins Lymphoma is back and it is throughout his body including his bone marrow this time. Plus he just had his hip replaced. He is looking at weeks of 24 hours a day chemo, salvaging of stem cells, killing off the cancer in them and then in October a month long hosptial stay where they put the stem cells back in, pray that the take and that there is no cancer left in them. He is only 51 and with no treatment they give him 3-6 months to live and no time frame with treatment.

Pray that this works he was/is comtemplating not even doing the treatment, and my dh (who is his brother) is not taking this well at all.

Hello Everyone.

NO....I haven’t felled off the earth;( I just haven’t posted cuz, my workouts has only been walking and swimming, I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things.

Last night, instead of working out, I cleaned my workout room got organized I had the painter finish what he started over a month ago and all that dog gone sanding to walls ARGH……. I had to wipe everything down blinds, treadmill, dumbbells etc...and re-do my dvd sound system it was a mess.

Tonight I am going for another long speedy walk aiming for 5 miles, getting kinda burned out from just walking so boring

Just maybe, I will have something to report tomorrow other than walking :9 Have a wonderful day all :9


I am sorry to hear of your BIL's issues. My prayers are with him, as well as your family.
Daily Check-in

After my Bible study this morning, I did Supersets. I have not been getting to bed as early this week. I am feeling it. I will likely take a rest day tomorrow unless I wake up bursting with energy. I am hoping to get back on track with morning check-ins again soon. I miss everyone!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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