Daily Check-In TGIF 3-31

Good Afternoon Ladies;

Busy day today and I'm still not done; did not workout but if you call running around town doing errands a workout then maybe I did as my feet are tired. :)I still have to go out and buy groceries for this pay period.

We have plans to drive to the beach this weekend so I hope the weather stays nice if not I'll be goibg to the gym with the hubby and try out some of the stuff they have there.

Hope all have had a productive day :)

Have a good weekend all
Talk about late workouts!! I finished S&H chest, back and abs at 10:15 p.m.

This afternoon when I got off work, I ran 3.25 miles, walked a mile for w/u and c/u and stretched. Then I helped DH put his stalls up in his new barn. Those panels were heavy!!! Thanks Cathe!!

I didn't have time to do my weight w/o before we went out to eat so it had wait until we got back.

I think it was Tracy that asked Becky about the one or two body parts per day. I don't think Becky saw it, but Tracy - Becky and I are following a one body part per day, sometimes two (like this week with S&H) and doing our own cardio. We done it for a few weeks now starting with the Gym Styles, then Pure Strength and this week S&H. We also throw in a circuit in that week to hit the body part again. I know I can speak for Becky in saying that we are enjoying it and seeing some nice results.
Hey Phyllis.... Becky and I are sticking with the one body part per day, or two as in this week with S&H. We are bouncing ideas back and forth on email about what to do next week, either go back with the Gym Styles or use the Pyramids. We do our own cardio and add a circuit one day a week.

I'm not following Cathe's rotation again in April because I'll be gone a little over a week on my trip. Going to Italy and Spain.

This has worked well for Becky and I. Join us if you want to. We check in on the daily checkin. I'm PM'ing you also.

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