Daily Check In, Sunday May 17


Good morning everyone,

I slept in today ( 7:00am) and feel pretty good. Of course, that doesn't count getting up at 4:00 am to get DH off to work, but I am happy I got back to sleep for a bit.

Today is an upper body day, but I have no idea what I am doing!

Other than that I am just doing some cleaning, baking some cookies and making a batch of chili for dinner.

Have a great Sunday!
Good Morning !

Hi Connie .

I also slept until 7 am !! It felt wonderful too ! :)

I am helping DH with a huge mowing job and we mowed yesterday for about 3 hours and today we will go back and will finish, probably another 5 or 6 hours of mowing !!!!
Lots of work but also good money!

I still have a cardio/ab day to make up but I don't see how I'll get it in today. :(

Tomorrow starts my last week of STS !

Phyllis , you are DONE , aren't you ?????????? That's a great accomplishment , but also sort of sad- doncha think ?
What are you going to do next ?

Everyone have a great day !

Good Sunday Morning Hellos to Conni, Becky & all who follow.

I've been up since 730 since we are telling the times here ;) Actually I had my alarm set to go off at that time as I have drop offs and pick ups of my kids this morning.

With 3 drivers and only two cars I need to drop DD off at work so she can open the store this morning , then off to the other side of town to pick up ds who slept over at a friend's last night.

Today is Burn Intervals from CLX and ab work. I was planning on doing it as soon as I woke up but I was so hungry that I needed to eat my breakfast.

Conni that batch of cookies and chili sounds great.
I end up making chili about once a week and the troops here got tried of eating it so today I'll be making some hamburgers and grilling them out on the gas grill.

Becky I saw you ordered CLX --- I do hope you like it as I love it.
Its so different from anything I've done and I've got just 2 more weeks before I finish the program - boy am I going to miss not doing them for awhile...I plan on getting my own set of CLX soon so I can restart during the summer. Gotta love those short workouts. In, Out, go real heavy and done :)

Well time for me to get my shoes on as my girls are ready to go .

Have a great day Ladies!

Hey gals, I've been sick since yesterday so I haven't' done a thing since I finished STS on F Friday. Friday's wo wasn't so great either. I felt very weak - I guess because I was getting sick. Yes, Becky, I am done and I have no idea what to do next.
Oh Phyllis, sorry you are sick ! I just got over a migraine, so I sympathize with you !
It's NO fun being sick !! :( Hope you feel better soon.

I don't know what I'll do either when I finish STS Friday. Am thinking maybe some Kettlebells ???
I don't know.
I don't want to lose the gains I've made, that's for sure !!!
I'm hoping Cathe will give suggestions !!!!

Get lots of rest today and feel better !!!

I ended up sneaking in itread 21 and the weight section of weights and plates abs !
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

We mowed but also have had some unexpected extra time and I appreciate it !!!!!

Hope you are resting Phyllis.......and hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!


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