Daily check-in Sunday January, 3rd

Sandy Greek

Hi girls, today I did MMA FUSION, a brand new workout for me. It begins quite slow then when you get toward the end of it you realise your hurt is pumping hard! Tomorrow back to work, until Wednesday which is a day off work for the Epifany! Have a good week everybody. Yesterday we had the first snowflakes in Milan.
Hi Sandy,
Today was a rest day for me. Sandy, I have never liked that workout. I can't build a sweat with it? Glad u enjoyed it.
I'm back at work tomorrow too. Wish I had Wednesday off. Enjoy.
Today was rest day for me too!!!! I am sore from the Back muscle melt down n(ICE) yesterday, I love it!!! Starting to build back some muscle after laying low for my neck, it's still difficult and I need to modify. Finding that mind muscle connection on my left side is tough for me, but I'm progressing. Funny.. I noticed i am starting to see my lats again.. I told my boyfriend, I have baby lats!!! haha! Happy Sunday everyone, I hope you all have a healthy and happy week!!!

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