Daily Check-In Sunday August 20th

>Wendy: It looks like a great rotation...I may have to give
>it a try. As soon as all the boys are settled at school, I
>plan on checking out my local gyms.

Thanks! You KNOW Jari's work outs are what goes into the f/b weights section right!? }(

I actually think I am going to leave the original Ripped out for a while and possibly rotate Cathe's endurance work outs in that spot so it would be Day 1) Slim and Lean, Day 4) Muscle Endurance or Power Hour, etc. and Day 7) Ripped to the Core.

I am giving myself 2 days rest between the weight work outs because I find I'm stronger if I wait that extra day.

Can't wait to hear about your gym-hunting experience!:)
Wendy: I'm with you on this rotation...I'm starting tomorrow. It is going to be so hard to cut back on the cardio, as I'm a cardio junkie. So tomorrow is a cardio day for me....either IM#1 or RS.
>Wendy: I'm with you on this rotation...I'm starting
>tomorrow. It is going to be so hard to cut back on the
>cardio, as I'm a cardio junkie. So tomorrow is a cardio day
>for me....either IM#1 or RS.

Tomorrow is cardio for me too. I have my class at night which will be a solid 30 minutes of running so I'm trying to decide if I should do an additional 30 minutes of a low/no impact cardio earlier in the day...I'm thinking elliptical is the ticket! I don't know if I can sit "still" all day waiting to work out at my class w/o doing anything else! LOL

I too am a cardio junkie...it's all in the mind though...we can beat it! Right? ;)

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