Daily check-in Sunday 6/2/2005

Hi Marketa,

I can't wait to do this workout! This is the workout I have been really looking forward to the most. I will be on here as soon as I am done to talk about it. This is so exciting!

Hi Wendy,

I lost by a dollar!! I will have to find another one. I did not here what you just said about Tom Brady. I have tuned that out..lol.

I am so looking forward to tomorrow!! I think I will end up attacking the UPS guy for my package before he gets to the door.

I normally don't workout on Sundays but I had to make up for a miss on Friday. Today was my measuring day.

Meauring Day from 1/3/2005 - 2/6/2005

Arms down .75 inches
Chest down 2 inches
Waist down 2 inches
Hips down 2 inches
Thighs down .5 inches.

I'll take it! This morning was Cardio and Weights to completion. That makes my goal of 6 workouts this week. I'm quite jazzed about the measurements. :D
My daughter and I will do a hilly 5 mile loop in Duke Forest today, since it will be 60 degrees and sunny. Then we'll do the recycling and get a latte. I'm waiting for 2 pm so it's nice and perfect out there.
Good Morning! Great workouts everyone!! And even on Super Bowl Sunday ;-)

Today was supposed to be my long run for the week and yoga, but I woke up this morning and it is snowing like crazy x( Training for my first half marathon is not going well x( This weather is not cooperating! I might have to post pone my first run until later on this summer if the weather does not perk up!! I love running outside but cannot run on a tread mill - I get too bored!

So I think I will substitute MIC and do yoga afterwards......I have not done MIC for awhile, but it should be a good substitute.

I say go Eagles too! Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

PS - its nice to see ex-smokers on this forum and daily check in, I have finally quit this year and have not had one since 2004! LOL - it hasn't been that long, but I never was a daily smoker......only the weekend occasional, but I can tell my workouts and runs are sooo much easier now that I don't smoke ever :7 :7
Hello everyone...

Sounds like everyone is gearing up for super bowl! I'm not into to it myself....but you guys enjoy!

Sandra...thanks! I'm very excited about teaching my new class! In the workshops, you don't do four hours of yoga...It is broken into two hour sessions...one in the morning and one in the afternoon. There is alot of practice; but, also alot of instruction and discussion. It went very well:)

Today my DH and I are going to the zoo:7 :7

Today is Circuit Max}(
Doingitforme: that is awesome! congrats on your shrinkage!

Mariangles: i hope you get your dvds soon. i know it's driving you loca!!!!

i did S/W step only premix today and the abs. this is my favorite ab segment b/c of the music. :) i had to skip my workouts on Fri and Sat, so :* on that!!! hopefully, i can make it a whole week with out a catastrophe. we'll see.

great workouts ladies!!!

have fun at your superbowl parties. i am not a football fan, but i like the commercials:p

I haven't been here lately, but have been enjoying my intensity series. Friday I did Cardio and Weights (except abs-ran out of time), yesterday I did IMAX 2 and today I did Muscle Endurance.

I have been really busy at work, but will try to post again before 9 pm. Tomorrow I will be doing something shorter and easier!
Hi everyone,

I think I may actually have a working computer again, but I won't say that out loud. ;)

Today I did S&H Biceps only, then 3 different half-hour cardios in a row. Woo hoo!

I have gone off SB for the time being, I was starting to feel unwell. I have much more energy now...am trying to eat as clean as I can also. I lost 3 lbs. this week.

Mariangeles, I love doing Christy's step, I'm glad you stuck with it. Once you figure out the choreography, it's so much fun, isn't it? Step Heaven is my favourite.

I haven't received my email yet...hope to get it Monday. I ordered on 11 July.

Hope everyone has a great evening. You football nuts...enjoy your Superbowl. Personally, I'm waiting for baseball season. :+


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