Daily Check In Saturday 7/07


Good Morning Fit Ladies!

My plan for today was spin and yoga but it's going down the toilet...atleast in part. The arthritis in my neck started flaring up last night. I took medication for it and will see how I feel in about an hour. I MAY still be able to handle spin but yoga is pretty much out. This usually takes a couple of days to completely go away and I can't do yoga until I'm 100%. Grrrr!x(

I, ofcourse, did NOT get back to KenpoX last night. We went to Costco and then watched a movie and that was that!:p

Have a great day!
Good Morning Fitties!

Wendy! Take it easy and don't push it ! That sounds painful . Hope you are feeling much better soon.

I'll soon have a pain in my neck too......we go pick up my MIL in a few hours!!!!:eek: :eek:
LOL:7 Sorry. Couldn't resist .

I have cardio this morning, (drillmax timesaver cardio), but I might sub a morning powerwalk with dh if I can talk him into it.
Then we are running a few errands on the way to pick up my MIL.

I hope everyone has a great weekend !!:D

Hey all,

Becky - Prayers for you today to help you get through this weekend with your sanity. It is a shame muscle relaxers won't take care of this kind of "pain in the neck", isn't it?? You are not alone, girl!

Today is going to be PH, haven't done that one for awhile, and the rotation calls for MM again. I cannot do the same workout in the same month, much less the same week, yuk!

Poolmax on tap today, it is going to be a hot weekend around here!

Have a great day!
Connie , thank you for the support ! I think you really do know exactly how I feel !!

DH wouldn't wake up, so I ended up doing LIC step only at about 40 minutes. I skipped the blasts.

I'm the same way about workouts....don't want to see the one twice in a week!!

Do you have a pool?
I would LOVE to do poolmax today. It's the perfect weekend for it !!


I'll be doing a MM premix today followe by poolmax also! We have some friends joining us at our swim club and we'll BBQ for dinner.

Conni, LOL about the miscle relaxer thing!

No way I could do the same WO twice in 1 week. I could definitely handle twice in a month tho, especially if it's a favorite!

Wendy, I hope you neck feels better. What movie did you see?

Becky, take some deep breaths. Whenever your MIL starts to bug you just think of your favorite Cathe sayings - ie. you can do anything for a minute!(well, it may be a little longer but it'll get your mind off your anger)
Phyllis http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png

Phyllis, DH tivo'd Thank You for Smoking so we watched that. I wasn't crazy about it. I thought it would be more entertaining then it was.
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I...could...not...get...out...of...bed...this...morning :eek::eek: Either too much sleep or not enough! I'll be doing BM#1 as soon as I wake up. We have to go to a surprise 50th birthday party for my cousin's husband. I barely know them, but my Mother insisted that we go :(x( x( x( x( x(
I would much rather join ya'll in PoolMax.

Wendy ~ Take it easy...I hope your neck feels better soon.

>>>I'll soon have a pain in my neck too......we go pick up my MIL in a few hours!!!!<<<

Becky ~ I'm ROTFLMAO :D :D :D Did you step out your tension w/LIC this morning?

Conni ~ Enjoy your day at the pool!

Phyllis ~ Enjoy your day at the pool too!
Hey Becky,

We have a pool club membership for a pool right down the road from us. It is really nice and the membership is limited so the place doesn't get really crowded, and the people are really nice to each other. It isn't anything ritzy, we can't afford that, but it is a great way to spend a hot day. The loungers are free too!

I do know what you are dealing with. My MIL's latest gig was to email the entire family ( all over the country, literally) that DH's insurance won't pay for the power scooter that he needs to have for work. Frankly, it is nobody's business how we are dealing with this expense, much less Aunt so and so from Texas! I told DH he needs to be very careful about what he says to her, and he agreed, she is just reveling in her ability to cause trouble. She also loves to share with anyone who will listen about DH's "miracle from death",and how it was such a "nightmare" for them! DH says, "excuse me, but I was the one in the coma...??"

On and On....let's share a marguerita, what do ya think??:+

I am grabbing a straw !!!!!

Time to go pick up MIL !
Maybe let's not share.....let's each get our own !!!!!!}( :p (and I don't even drink:eek: ):7 }(
Daily Check-in

Good evening! I am alive and well in Central Texas! I got back on track with my eating this week and eased back into my beloved Cathe workouts. My energy has been restored, and I am not experiencing any pain in my feet during or after my workouts. My weight was holding steady as of the 4th of July, so I know I did the right thing by resting and icing my foot. I did not have enough energy to move the first part of this week. I had more rest days than workout days this week. Here is a summary of my workouts for this week:

07-01-07 rest

07-02-07 rest

07-03-07 rest

07-04-07 a.m. Step Works
07-04-07 p.m. water jogging

07-05-07 rest

07-06-07 rest

07-07-07 a.m. Step, Jump, & Pump

I am spending less time on the computer and more time in Bible study and prayer. I feel more joyful and peaceful this way and hope to check-in at least once a week. I am planning to start a 4-week rotation in the morning to get ready for the Road Trip. Weight loss is not my focus this month. I simply want to bless my body with nutrient-dense food and increase my overall stamina and endurance.

Love and hugs to everyone. I miss y’all!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Today was a gym circuit at the gym. I did 15 min each of elliptical, treadmill, and stationary bike with upper body heavy weights mixed in. A good workout...not as fun as a Cathe circuit but that's the price I'm gonna have to pay to have enough muschle definition for my first show:) Spent the day in Helen, GA with DH hiking around, tubing, and walking around the little shops.

Heather~Isn't it so true that getting closer to God makes everything SO much less hectic?! Gotta love that peace that comes with living in Christ;)

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