Hi everybody!
Cardio - I've reached maintenance mode on the machine
so I don't foresee increasing it any more. Today I did forward and backward enough to decide that I'll keep doing that, but the geometry isn't really right for a good glute/hamstring workout.
Core - I did Bootcamp (core only) again. I'm going to switch back to something easier for now.
Shoulders/Upper Posture - Today I avoided going "to failure" because I want to work them more often. I'll try it for a while. Just pumping the elliptical handles, and these 5 pound weights, I see surprising deltoid growth! That, and slightly straighter shoulders, looks noticeably better.
Lower Posture - In addition to strengthening glutes and hamstrings, I need some
lateral work to complement what I'm doing on the machine. I admire the BB and many Cathe videos too. I was looking at Boot Camp for the lateral movement, but it's too much for now.