Daily Check-in Monday, June 24th, 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a short workout. I tried out Caroline G's Epic for legs day 7 I think but it was so hard I stopped at 23 minutes. Wowza. I added on 10 minutes of the previous day's ab workout also from Caroline G. Now, to stretch.

Have a great day everyone!
Here is my workouts for today (hopefully)

Blender- "MMA Kickbox Express" - 24 min.
IFit- "Byron Bay Lighthouse Treadmill walk, Australia" - 24 min.
YT-Live Fitness- 5 min. Full Body Weight Plate Workout

Nice workout this AM Siobhan!
Happy Monday everyone;)

Siobhan- Good job on today's challenging workout with:

YT- Caroline Girvan - (did a short workout) Epic for legs day 7. This was so tough stopped at 23 Min.
YT- Caroline Girvan- added on 10 minutes of the previous day's ab workout.
Finally a nice stretch

Excellent workout, WTG! Have a beautiful day;)

Linda- Great Mix of workouts as usual. Good job on today's workout with:

Blender- "MMA Kickbox Express" - 24 min.
IFit- "Byron Bay Lighthouse Treadmill walk, Australia" - 24 min.
YT-Live Fitness- 5 min. Full Body Weight Plate Workout

All your workouts sound so good, wtg & high fives!!! Have a wonderful day:)

Annette- I hope you have a great workout today and have fun. Remember you are awesome and have a blessed day;)

Here's today's workout:

Leslie Sansone - 7 Day Calorie Blast- 1 Mile Get Started = 24 Min
Billy's Boot Camp Cardio Sculpt= 53 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute Pop Themed Rhythm Ride= 21 Min

Have a beautiful & blessed day ladies;)

Well, today will be a wash as far as a workout goes. I went to the dentist this morning and I broke the titanium rod that the crown tooth is attached to. Plus the dentist couldn't remove the half that is wedged in the implant itself, so he put a healing abutment on and I have to see the oral surgeon on Wednesday to see if he can get the other half out. Then I will need another post and crown, sigh. I still can't chew on that side till after Wednesday. My poor dentist has only had 3 people break a titanium post, it is rare.

So I came home and laid in the sun for 2.5 hours , the breeze was heavenly. I vacuumed some and cleaned a little.

Nice workouts ladies!
Sorry about your dental troubles Annette…..hope they will be able to remove it and
redo the tooth. At least you got to lay in the sun…..

Nice workouts today Nora with Leslie, Billy & Kaleigh doing Leslie Sansone - 7 Day Calorie Blast- 1 Mile Get Started = 24 Min., Billy's Boot Camp Cardio Sculpt= 53 Min
& YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 20-minute Pop Themed Rhythm Ride
Hi ladies, I managed to do 30 minutes of intense floorwork for abs, legs and glutes using 3 videos I saved off Facebook. The last one was a 'let's see if I can even try these exercises ' I did fairly well. So I did something today.

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