Daily Check-In Monday, July 16th


Good Morning Fit Chicks!

iTread16/20 this morning and CST after work. I'll check back later...have g good day!
Hi everyone,

My back is somewhat better today, still twingy, but I did Marcus Irwin Step Fusion ( about an hour ) , then did Ab hits. His stuff is complex but pretty low impact, which is what I think I need to concentrate on until my back is completely healed. It did feel good to work up a nice sweat!

Have a great day!
Yet another crazy day in my world. Did SB this morning and will be doing shoulders & abs at the gym a little later with 30 more min cardio. And bad news for me - I let my monthly visitor get the best of me this weekend. Had some pizza and cookies! Not good when preparing for my first competition of the season. Oh well - I'm not going to beat myself up over it. Got my game plan down and I'm ready to keep on going. Hope everyone has a fabulous rest of the day:)
Well, I bagged cardio this morning...had no energy. I just finished CST and abs.

Christina ~ Good workout. How is the training going?

Conni ~ Glad to hear your back is continuiing to improve.

Wendy ~ I hope you had a lovely yoga session....I did it yesterday and I really look forward to it each week.

Phyllis ~ I tried StepWorks yesterday for the first time...it was fun!

We're a small group these days....have a good night!
>Wendy ~ I hope you had a lovely yoga session....I did it
>yesterday and I really look forward to it each week.

I did, Tammy. Thanks! :) I chose Baron's Long and Lean today. Hadn't done that one in a while.
I actually really like the idea of doing it as a lone work out. I may do it on my rest days as often as I can instead of trying to do it on the same day as another work out. I have tried to create a rotation that I like where yoga stands alone AND I still have a TRUE rest day but I can't do it!x(

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