Daily Check in Mon Aug 7

G'morning Phyllis and all who follow.

Great work out Phyllis! Hey, did you ever purchase a new HRM?

I have Ripped to the Core on tap for this morning and then my running class in the evening. We will be getting info tonight on the next level class that is taking place in the fall. I want to take it so I am very excited!:)

Happy Monday!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today I'll be doing GS B/S/B and CTX Step & Intervals.

Phyllis: Great workout! I wish I could get up as early as you do and be done with the workout. You are very disciplined.

Wendy: Great progress with your running!

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Good morning ladies!

This morning I started Cathe's Cardio Blast rotation. I did SJP today. I had never done that one before and it was fun!

Hope everyone has a great day and great workouts!

>Yes. Wendy, I did buy a Polar F11. I love it! It holds more
>than 1 file and my calorie count is MUCH better. Phyllis

Very cool! I have a cheap HRM that I am thinking of replacing but now that I am into running I want something with a GPS system so that I can track my pace and miles outside! I think I feel a Christmas gift idea coming on! }(
Good morning Everyone,

I wasn't feeling well last week and only worked out one day. I am feeling much better today.

I did PUB this morning.

Have a great one!

Morning ladies. Haven't been on for the past week because I took a week off from working out. I have decided to begin training for a half marathon taking place in January. I am starting my training today, so I took the week off last week to give my body a good rest. Now, whether or not I actually do the half marathon is another story, but I figured I'd train for it just the same.:D There is also a 5K in October that I am planning to run.

So, today was ME for me. It's been awhile since I've done it, so I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning everyone, it is great to be back. Had a great time at Niagara Falls, but we are somewhat disappointed at how it is getting to be so "Vegas". The falls themselves are such a wonder, and we had alot of fun.

Today was ME. Haven't done weight work for a few days so I was feeling this one from the start!

Have a great Monday!
Most likely an unscheduled rest day due to an excruciating headache that I woke up with today, UGH!! I took some migraine medicine so we will see if that works. I hate days like this.

Everybody else have a good one!
Oh Annette - that's the worst - waking up with a migraine. Hope it gets better fast!

Yesterday didn't go as planned. Talked DH into painting the hall. While he was getting set up, I checked the freezer for dinner ideas. WELL, DD didn't shut the freezer door all the way on Saturday so half the freezer was thawed out! We tossed a bunch of stuff (like ice cream and some old hot dogs from who knows when). Then we invited company over and ended up cooking everything (we saved some for dinner tonight). Oh, and DD ended up with a stomach bug and couldn't eat any of it!! That was fun - NOT.

This morning was Lowmax plus abs from PS. I'd better get back to work now.

Happy Monday everyone!


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Just got back from the docs. Connor is going for a head catscan on wed. then to a ped neurologist, just to rule out any underlying cause of these seizures. He is alright today, just doesn't feel good and has a sore throat, but the tylenol and motrin are helping.
Thank you all of you for the well wishes!

I also saw my rheumatologist and I am having a flare up from my sarcoidosis. She bumped me back up to 5mg of prednisone from 1mg. Sucks since I want off that drug, but i won't complain because it could be worse, as long as it makes me feel better!

Soooo, as for WO, my rotation calls for a circiut, maybe BC or SJP. I will play it by ear since I am REALLY tired and achey right now. I definately want to WO, but it will have to be later.

Anette- I hope you feel better!
Great WO's everyone!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Daily Check-in

Yesterday was my rest day. I took a long nap, went shopping, and bought some new workouts shoes. My beloved Nike Shox Rhythmic studio trainers have been discontinued, but I found a pair of Nike Air Max Hava dance fitness shoes with the same smooth bottoms and pivots points. I played with them on my step last night, twirled around on the carpet, and love them. They were on sale for $59.99 with no tax, so I bought an extra pair. After my Bible study this morning, I did Kick, Punch, & Crunch and had a blast!

Maeghan, I am praying for your little one.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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