Daily Check-in July 18th


Hey there! Thought I would start this thread! I am up and fixing to go to swim practice! Spin was fun last night! :7 My butt is a little sore because I haven't done it in a while! He he!! :+

Have a good day to all those that follow!
Rebecca Dotson
Hi Rebecca. Hope you have a great practice.

Today I did MM and then went for a 2 mile run. I may do a stretchmax segment after work today.

Good Morning Fitties!

Hi Rebecca & Becky!

This morning I did PS bi, tri, shoulders and abs.
Am getting ready to do Namasta Yoga (from FitTv), later I will walk with dh.

Have a good one!
Good Morning to All,

This morning I did Lowmax 1-4 and Basic stretch off the Total body stretch DVD.

Have a Great Day!:)

G'morning Ladies!:)

My knee seems to be on the mend...getting a bit better every day.

My plan for today is either Low Max here at home or to the gym for the elliptical if I can force myself outdoors.:eek:

I poked my head out at 8am to let my dog out and couldn't believe how awful it was already!x(

Can't wait to be able to run again! I was sooo stoked after the weekend's outdoor run and it was such a let down to have this happen.:-(

Rebecca: I go to spin classes at my gym on occassion. They ARE fun!

BeckyMD: That 2 mile run after MM must have felt good! }( I find that it "thaws" out the legs and cuts down on DOMS when you do cardio after leg work. Running afterwards is more of a challenge cause the muscles are already tired but it's worth it IMO.

Becky: How did you like the yoga program?

Elaine: Were you reading my mind this morning? ;) LOL
Good morning everyone,

Today was KPC ( since I put it off on Saturday..).
Gotta love those pikes!

Have a good day.
Morning ladies. Today was L&G followed by the first half of IMAX. Whew! My legs were like jello through IMAX, but I made it. I wanted to go running outside this morning, but even at 5:00 it's just TOO HOT!!!

Hope everyone has a great day!


I'm glad your knee is feeling better! Great news!:D

I like the Namaste yoga because different programs work different body parts or work on different things like balance or strength . I am TiVo'ing them and then just choosing which work out I most need or feel like .

I also ordered Shiva Rea Yoga Shakti that beckymd suggested, but haven't gotten it yet.
Hey Becky.

I no longer get FITtv. ;(

I'm glad you are enjoying the yoga though!:)

I purchased a Bryan Kest yoga dvd several weeks ago and did it a few time but haven't kept up with it since...I am totally new to yoga and will never get anywhere with it if I don't keep a steady schedule of it...once a week is all I want but I can't even seem to keep THAT up! x(
Morning everyone -
Today was Step Works. First time and it was pretty fun. I pooped out on the cool down though and ended up doing grapevines and side steps while she did the step routine. I figured all I wanted was to get my heart rate down so I was ok.

I'm only working a half day so I'll be trying to get my house back together after being away for four days. Laundry, bills, all that fun stuff.

Happy Tuesday!
Good morning ladies,

Have no idea what workout I will do this morning. Just wanted to poke my head in a say hey. Brother is in the living room doing some work on the house and is in my workout space. He is killing my head with all the hammering! Can I come over and workout out with one of you? This crap is killing me!

I'm in a hurry, but will be back later!

Hi all,

I managed 30 min. of a 45 min. taebo (Cardio Bootcamp) this morning in the heat and with my time crunch. But I did it with my new adjustable ankle weights on so I had more weight on my ankles than I am used to. Also used my weighted gloves.

Hope you all have a great day!!:7
Hello ladies,

Just finished Taebo advanced and only did 35mins. I got just enough of a break from the hammers to fit something in. Will probably a little more cardio this evening along with some abs.

Hope everyone is staying cool!

Hey all you fit gals! I had a hood swim practice this morning! PLEASE all of you pray for me because tonight I have a meet (and I haven't hardly competed or swam in 2 weeks, I had a sinus infection)!

Becky- WHEW! I would enjoy a stretch max segment too after that workout!

Wendy- Hope your knee feels better. I just love love love spin classes. I try to do them twice a week. (doesn't always happen though!! :+ )

Conni- I just love KPC!

Katie- don't believe I would run either!

Kim- So sorry about the noise! I know how you feel!

Susan- 5 mi.!! WOW!!

Talk to you guys later!
I finished a 35 min/3.43 mile interval elliptical work out. It was fun and my legs felt nice and fried by the time I was done!}(

Great work outs as usual ladies!:)
Hey Everyone,

Yes, I am still on the planet :p Been a little busy but workouts are going okay, actually down a few lbs. This morning I was pushed for time so I just walked 5 miles.

Not sure, if I will be able to do UB tonight. I’m taking my Grand Kids to buy shoes and me a DVD theater surround sound system. Will check in tomorrow for sho ;)

Hello Fit Chicks!

This morning I did CTX: 10-10-10 and GS Triceps.

Teddygirl: Congrats on the lost poundage!

Wendy: Great workout....I'm glad your knee is feeling better:7

Rebecca: Great workout this morning and GOOD LUCK at your swim meet!

Kim: Good workout!

Susan: Excellent run!

Annette: Wow! Tae-Bo w/weights! I bet that is a full workout!

Kim: I hope you found a good workout to sweat away the stress!

GymMom: The oldies are fun aren't they?

Katie: L&G + Imax = YOWZERS!!!!

Conni: Those pikes are pure evil}(...but in a good way;)

Elaine: I bet SM feels so good after LowMax.

Becky: Great workout! I saw the commercials for Namaste Yoga on FitTV and I keep forgetting to DVR it. Do you like it?

BeckyMD: MM and a 2 mile run....perfection!!!!:7:7:7

Hello to all that follow!

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