Daily Check in Friday September 28, 2012


Good morning everyone,

This morning I did the first 4 segments of To The Max - Goodness - I could not go on! Okay - I did. I just past the next exercises to get to Cathe's Core work on this one.

Conni - I will do the Ball Challenge when I get home tonight. So yes, let's keep it up for a week or so, to see great results. Everyone else join in too when you can - try to do solid core workouts 3-4 times over the next week or so (try to emphasize plank type work). We shall weigh in on results..... duhn duhn duhn

Zhaoyang - I was asking where you are from 'cos I am in Canada but everyone else on the Daily Check in lives in the U.S. I was wondering if you were a Canuck!!!! Like me:eek:

Ladies, I hate to get all political on you but that leaked speech by Romney - goodness that is just gonna do him in, non? How does one recover from such comments? Carmen - you must have some thoughts.....

Anyway... have a good day ladies.

Hi Siobhan,

Today was S90 Core Challenge and TF stretch 40 , my rest day workout!

Hi everyone,

So I followed up with 37 minutes of Horizontal Conditioning Volume 3. Yikes! It's doable but toooooough!

Zhaoyang - thanks for the reminder of Ab hits #2. I will look at that again.

have a good evg. training was really helpful today. back again tomorrow.

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