Daily Check In, Friday November 6


Hi ladies,

Sandy - Merry Christmas! You got a lot of Cathe presents yesterday!!

Today was Cathe Live High Energy Kickboxing. This might me my new Cathe kickboxing favorite. Lots of variety and new combos..
Hi Everyone,

I forgot to check in yesterday - crazy day at work too. I did RWH Lower Body Circuit + abs workout 1.

Today - unintended rest day as I spent another 1.5 hours helping my DD with her essay. Goodness. I did the essay in my workout clothes so that's gotta count as a mental workout, non?

Sandy - Enjoy!!!!! Great choices. I remember when I went on a buying spree back in 2011 - when I first discovered Cathe. It was expensive but worth every penny and then some. You made some great choices. I love LBB (lower Body Blast) Fun, fun, fun.

Have a great rainy day everyone.
Hi gals,

Still trying to mix it up so today it was Dance Jam off of ON Demand's fitness section, it was a full 42 min. workout and I have never sweated soo much during a workout and I wasn't even doing half the moves due to the speed in which they did it (even after numerous slow reps). Then I did the 8 minute Taebo and then spent 45 min. at the gym (nobody hardly was there this time of day so it was nice). Got my son to do squats and his legs are now screaming, LOL!!

I did a few but my knees can't handle it anymore.

Now it is off to change clothes and go grocery shopping.

Have a great day!!

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