Hi girls
Siobhan- High fives on your awesome workouts today with:
STS 2.0 body part biceps = 39 minutes I added on 10 minutes of a 100 squat challenge from Tiff & Dan (it's just Dan).
Tiff & Dan- 100 Squat Challenge = 10 Min of it
Fun & challenging stuff, bravo! Have a good night
Linda- Great job on today's workout with:
CatheLive- "All Low Impact Kickboxing, Hiit & Core" - 51 min - Ooh, sounds like fun to me! WTG & high fives

Enjoy your evening
Annette- WTG & high fives on another awesome fun kickboxing workout with:
YT-Xtreme Box Mix 27 Fitness Kombat Aerobox = 70 Min - I love your description of this workout it includes so much such as; then there was a leg segment with squats and kicks, then a floorwork segment for abs and a stretch. Wow, your description sounds amazing so fun lots maximizing of challenging elements, I love it! WTG & bravo on that very challenging workout
Have a wonderful evening
Deanna- Great job on today's workout with:
XTrain- Cardio Leg Blast- Premix # 1 that includes the Core. Its good that you modified the risers to work for you. I've done that as well. I don't recall the music on that one as its been quite awhile since I've done that one. Always feel free to modify the workout to suit you. WTG and high fives!
Have a good night
Hello's & waves to Nicki and Donna- have a good evening
Here's today's workout: (I did finish this workout late 6:30PMish was not able to check in until now.)
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling -30 minute POWER HIIT Cycling Workout = 30 Min
Leslie Sansone - The Big Burn (2 Mile Walk) = 33 Min
Body Blast: Legs & Glutes- Floor Work Only = 11 Min - with 2.5 pound ankle weights on each ankle
Have a blessed evening girls