Daily Check-in Friday, August 2nd, 2024

Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a mix of Caroline G for lower body - about 30 minutes (heavy weights/pyramid style) and added on a mish mosh of cardio - some of it from Cathe - it was about 20 minutes.

Welcome Nicki!
Nora - so glad you are working out again. I bet you had a great workout after a few days of rest.

Have a great day everyone (I posted my rest day for yesterday).
Good morning & nice workout this AM Siobhan! Nothing wrong with a rest day!
Oh, BTW, I have 2 days of some workouts in Canada next week!

Today's workouts:

Blender- STS 1.0-Lower Body - 20 min.
STS Ab Circuits- Med Ball Abs--10 min.
Hydrow- 5 min. Pre-Row Mobility, Florence, Italy
Bitgym- 5 min. of rowing on the Grand Canal, Venice, Italy
Bitgym- 20 Min. treadmill walk in Venice, Italy

Have a good day all!
Hey ladies,

Today I stayed home and did a CDORNER Cardio Kickboxing workout which was 33 minutes (half wearing wrist weights) then I did a 15 minute Taebo wearing my Cathe boxing gloves. So my workout is done, and I can spend the afternoon getting my hair permed.

Nice workouts ladies!!

Have a great day!!
Hello ladies:)

Sorry for the late check in, it's been a busy day. I had to do usual chores which takes about 2 hours, take a nap to makeup for lack of sleep.
Then get up more chores, fit in a quick cycle workout, then get ready for hair cut appointment. So I did not have time earlier to check in but I'm doing so now.

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 25-min FEEL GOOD HIIT Indoor Cycling Workout= 26 Min

Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn= 41 Min
3 Mile Walk w/DH w/6 pound vest

I just tried at 9pm my time to check in but the website seems to having issues hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Great job ladies on all your Friday workouts, WTG!

Have a good evening everyone;)

Nice workout Nora! YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling- 25-min FEEL GOOD HIIT Indoor Cycling Workout & Leslie Sansone- Walk Off Fat Fast- 40 Min Super Burn
3 Mile Walk w/DH w/6 pound vest Have a good weekend!

Rest weekend for me! Waves to all!

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