Daily check in 8.14.17


Hi everyone. I hope you all had a relaxing weekend. This morning I did Anni Mairs Fierce force. Great workout! I'm not completely done with all my home improvement stuff but I made slot of progress. It never ends does it?!?
Hi ladies,

Today I taught my newest circuit workout to 8 ladies for an hour and 3 minutes. They love the barbell work and we were all a sweaty mess. I then did 35 minutes of weight work including abs and floorwork legs, almost got 115 on bench press but not quite.

One of my ladies was telling another woman (who doesn't come to my class) that I will beat her into shape,......in the nicest possible way[emoji16].

Off to my squish o gram[emoji44]

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Hi Peg & Annette, hope your day was good. Tonight I did approx, 25 min step mix with some light weight work.
Good little Monday workout. Nothing too strenuous:). Hi to any that follow. I hope Henriette is well, we haven't
Heard from her for awhile.

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