Daily check-in 26-02-2005


Hi good morning. I have felt my back better and I have done HSC. I have resolved my music issues and the music works fine now.The configuration of my dvd player was wrong and I have changed it. HSC is so fun. I love the kickboxing movements,in the hammer punch lunges Cathe is so motivatng , you know when she says bend those kness bend I know I am working out.The pain is here again but what can I say? I need to sweat with my fitness friends. Have a great Saurday everybody. Marketa I hope you will feel OK your left knee.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi Mariángeles;

I'm glad to hear you has resolved the sound problem and your DVDs play fine. :) And your back is better.:) Please,have care these first following days. I didn't make HSC yet-and can't wait to try it. Oh.thank you for your question about my knee-yes,I think my knee is better today-thank you.

I did GS Legs (oh,I love this work- in especially the slow lunges }( ) and I added also Blast section from Kickmax. I feel my legs now-don't want to think how will I feel them tomorrow }( ).

I hope everyone have a great weekend;

Marketa Preisler

HI, Everybody!

I am glad you ladies are feeling better.I know how hard it is to be done and out.

Today was Imax Xtreme. I love these cardio and weight drills.

I can not for the life of me figure out how to put my pictures on the picture trail. I have them on my documents or my pictures, on my own computer. Then when I try to upload after I select which ones I want, it does nothing. I don't get it. :-(

Have a great day!:)
Ciao tutti!

Good morning to all of you. I slept in a little later than usual. I am going to do HSC and CoreMax #3.

Mariangeles: I'm glad you resolved your music issues. Good workout...but take it slow.

Marketa: I loved your picturetrail pictures. Wow! You are gorgeous!

Carla: Great workout! IMax extreme is a toughie!

Enjoy all your workouts ladies...

Good morning everyone -

Glad to hear you two are feeling better - although I can't imagine those hammer punch lunges would help out your back - but glad you mae it through them.

Today is Muscle Max for me - I am looking forward to doing this workout again and I have a girlfriend joining me - so I get to introduce her to the hardcores..... whaa ha ha.... }(

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
i am doing MM today also. looking forward to it. mariangles: glad you are back at it!

marketa: be careful with your knee!

hope all of you have a great weekend!

Wow! I just finished HSC. It was my first time. That workout is brutal!!! I think IM#3 is a breeze compared to HSC.

I guess now I know endurance is my weakness.

I think I'm going back to bed now..


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