Daily Check In 2/23/05


Good morning everyone!

Today was SB and the abs from SJP. I forgot how much fun this workout is! I think I will attack one of the GS upper body DVDs tomorrow, after Imax 3 yesterday and SB today, my poor legs need a break!

Have a fabulous day all!:7 :7 :7
Good morning, lovely ladies of the forums:

Today was PUB chest, shoulders, and triceps for me. I maxed out my weight and am very sore!! :) I also did some core work, including two full pikes on the ball! Yay, me!

Hope you all have a great day!

:7 :7 :7
Good morning all. I'm focusing on strength for next couple of weeks. Yesterday I did Gym Style BSB. I also added the Imax 3 step only in the evening. I've done that premix a few times and I think it's an excellent way to start out doing IMAX3. Once I get all the step routines down, I'll attempt to do it with the intervals.

This morning was GS Legs, standing only. I was able to match Cathe's weight with the dumbbells and since I don't have a barbell, I used my 15's. Someone had posted a rotation on the rotation board for strength and knee issues and I'll be following that.

Have a good day everyone.;-)
Today was Imax 2 1-5 C&W cardio premix only & abs from C&W. I love how you can mix them up and make your own thing! Have a great day everyone!
Morning Everyone,

Today will be GS Chest/Triceps and Core Max #2.

Sandra, I think that there is only one or two intervals (one is #9) in Imax 3 that allow me to breath correctly at the end. GASP! I think it is the shortened recovery that might contribute to this. I'm still trying to decide if this is harder than Imax, so I'm going to say they are on equal terms for me.

Denise, I use either a 6" or 8" step. My knees would never forgive me if I went any higher than that. If you are using 4 risers then that is 12" right? Your cardio level must be really high if you are able to do Imax 3 that high. I would be a puddle on the floor. :D

Mariángeles, take care of yourself, hopefully your recovery will be swift and you can get back to your work outs.

Marketa, I will be following Kathryn's rotaion pretty close. I will probably sub some items, like KPC for Kickmax. I want to see what kind of results I can get from trying this rotation for 13 weeks.

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good morning,

This morning I did Step Fit.

Marie - excellent job on those pikes!!

Mariangeles - how is your back today?

Laurie Mac - it's a tough call about which IMAX is tougher. The nature of the blasts are very different. I think the added challenge of IMAX3 is the shorter recovery periods, as you stated.

Have a good day everyone!
Hi everybody. First of all thank you very much Sandra and Laurie Mac. My back stay bothering me.I would like to take two or three days off of my job but I don't know what to do.I don't want to explain to my co-workers and boss why I don't go.I can see them asking themself if I am telling a lie to take days off of my job. No exercise today. Laurie Mac I do the IMAXS workouts without highs.I can not wait to workout again.Wendy enjoy your workout. The upper body split of the ctx series is one of my favorites weight workouts.

I hope everyone will have a great day.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)

Sorry to hear that your back still hurts. Hope it gets better soon.

Upper Body Split is one MEAN work out! lol I think I did it once or twice before I started my current rotation. I'll have to try it again one day...

ETA: With the baby coming I'm gonna NEED a good work out to strengthen my arms for carrying my baby around all of the time!!!:D

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Mariangeles, I'm so sorry about your back. I hope you feel better soon. I am not sure how it works where you live, but here if you need to take time off work because of an injury, you just go to the doctor and they "write you a note" that indicates you can't work. You don't have to tell anyone why...

Take care!
Thank you very much Wendy and Marie. Marie I am a civil servant and I have to advice in my job if I am going to get the day off of job. My boss is very severe with that.A few months ago I went to the doctor and I decided not go to my job only during that day without advice and in the day after my boss reprehended me.It was only one day. It depends of who you are too. I have a co-worker who can take days off without advice and my boss says it is Ok. I can not change my boss. Thank you very much. You are so sweet.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
Good afternoon everyone,

This morning for me was IMAX 3. Was not able to complete it as I got annoyed, not with the dvd but with a person....I did 1-6(?). Then I was 25 mins on the treadmill.

Marie I love PUB. I love the challenge of trad. bicep curls & hammers--can never complete it, even when I have done biceps first. But I will. Right now my focus is to get a taste of all 10 HC dvds}( }( . I'm still excited about Low Max...can't get over how much fun it was.

Great job with the pikes, they're not easy.

Mariangeles I know what it's like to have a bad back. I've been to a chiro twice in my life b/c of back problems. I once had to wear a back brace for 6 weeks. I hope yours is not so severe. Keep your chin up and stay strong b/c we need to read the posts from the "Bionic Woman":+ :+

Laurie Mac: GSC & T:}( }( }( }( }( . Can you tell I love it.


Hello Everyone!!

Today was:

Gym style: Biceps,Triceps
Abs hits 20 minutes

Laurie mac,

I have been using 4 risers TOTAL under my step for Imax 3, 2 on either side..If I had 4 risers on both sides, I would be in the ER with a ruptured knee....Or I would be dead on the floor....LOLOL..Sorry if I caused any confusion :) ;)

I hope everyone has a great day!!

It was fun yesterday when so many of us did IMAX 3!! Wahooooo!!

I was reading in the Cathe forum. that Cathe is working on, Workouts on demand....kinda like pay per view workouts...wouldn't that be cool!!!

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+
Oh my Stayfit, bad back and a not understanding boss,not a good combo!! Sorry you still feel bad. Hope you feel better soon!!

I did PUB shoulders, then because it was supposed to be a leg day, and I just didn't feel like doing weighted leg work, I did the first premix off of Kick Max (58min one) that of course has the leg conditioning drills so I got a leg workout too.:eek: :+ :D

Hope everybody has a great day!!:D
hey workout junkies!

Mari: want us to write a note to your boss?:p feel better amiga!

today for me is HSC. i can't wait!

Hello Everyone! To the Terminator Junkie! I am sorry you feel so awful.......having a bad back is painful - but having a boss that demands a note like you are in Elementary School might be even worse! x( Jobs can be very stressful when you cannot take the time off that you need to! Keep smilin' - you will feel better soon!

I am still recuperating from my ski trip, so today is a Pilates class and PUB. My arms are not too sore, but my legs are still weak!! So going to take it easy for today as well on the legs at least.....

Great workouts everyone! What is this that Cathe is doing Workout Pay per view??

Wendy - I hope when I am pregnant someday, that I will be posting workouts all the way through - you are truly inspirational! :)

Have a great day!
Hi Haydee.Thank you very much.I have lumbado. I hope I will be your bionic woman soon.Jes me has hecho sonreir.( Jes you have maked me smile) Writte a note to my boss?. :D :D I know what to writte: you don't have to show your predilection for a co-worker. Un beso amiga. Annette I am agree. A bad back and a not understanding boss is not a good combo. Anyway I think we always have problems in the job , with the boss,a co-worker or both things together.Nobody in my job knows I have a backache because I don't want they will think I want to take days off of job. I am happy because I have this fitness family. I really appreciate your messages. Thank you very much everybody from the bottom of my heart. You are the best.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Awww Reba, thank you sooo much!:)

This forum and Cathe have inspired to keep workin' out through my pregnancy. I am very fortunate though in that I have had very few issues thus far. Makes it much easier to keep up with the work outs. If I was having a difficult pregnancy I'm sure my workouts would reflect it!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Thank you very much Reba.I am not a child.I am 28 years old and I try to work the best as possible.Sometimes the co-worker who praise to the boss is more appreciated than the person who really works.That`s my situation. I hope you will be recuperated of your ski trip soon. What is the workout Pay per view you are talking about? Thank you very much.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
Hi ladies,

Today I did Still Steppin Just for Fun. My lower back was really tight yesterday and still this morning. It loosened up a little after I worked out. Hopefully it will feel better tomorrow. No weights for me for a couple of days. :(


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