Daily Check In 2/22/2005

Carla K

Good Morning!
I just got done with the Viper! What a stinger! Now I am drinking my protein shake to repair my poor muscles.
Have a great, energized day!:)
This must be killer day, I just finished Imax 3 and ab hits...Or should I say it finished me! Kudos to anyone who does not modify this one! I found myself dying on about 3 of those **&&%$$ blasts!
Great workout!

Have a great day everyone!!!}(
Morning Everyone,

Today for me will be Imax3. I did GS Back/Shoulders/Biceps yesterday. What a great w/o. The band adds a real intense burn. I have some good DOMS today in my back and shoulders. I'm going to have to go a little heavier on the biceps next time. }( This is going to be one of my favs.

Have a great day!

Laurie Mac
Good morning everyone,

Wow!!! Awesome workouts ladies:D :7 !! Conni I agree with you about imax3, i'll bet you the same $*%*$ blasts got me just as good, lol!

Laurie Mac, have fun with imax3 today:7 }( !! Can't wait to try B/S/B!!

Tonight is powerflex at the gym.

Have a great day:7
Carla...the Viper is a great workout!!!

Now the rest of you ladies are scaring me about Imax3!!!! I only tried a few of the intervals when I did Hardcore Extreme. WOW...}(

Feeling better than yesteday, seems to be just a cold in my nose!! I'll do GS Shoulders & Biceps and Legs then see if I feel good enough for a 6 mile run.

Have a great day....:)...Carole

Carla, I have the terminator, but have never done the viper, maybe I'll try it. I'm stuck on my modified gauntlet...

Carole, glad you are feeling a little better. I thought I was getting sick Saturday, and I slept 4 hours in the car, came home and slept for 10 hours. That must have helped me to keep from getting anything.
Imax 3 is great! Your heartrate doesn't go down on that one.

I did GS chest and triceps and Slow and Heavy legs. My strength was inconsistent today. Some days are better than others.

hey girls! since i got my dvds last night, i am going to use them today! i think i will do lowmax and MM.

Carole: lowmax looks so fun! i can't wait to try it! i'm plain afraid of IM3!

good workouts ladies!!!

Morning all! I'm back from Vegas and had a FABULOUS time!!! There was too much to do and not enough time. I have to say I'm glad though because we only came back having lost $8 to the casino. Not bad!
I intended to do Step Blast this morning, but I'm still recovering from the weekend, so I will save it for tomorrow and do some weight work tonight.

Hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend!

Hi everyone;

As I can see today is the Imax3 day. I also did Imax 3 and I am glad to finish it with my modifications-as added more recovery time between some of those killer intervals. After this "workout for the recovery days" I made the ab routine from MM.

Connie,I'm glad you already have your DVDs.(Sorry don't know when did you receive it. My opinions about IMAX3 are exactly as yours. :)

Laurie Mac, I have read you are also following the Kathryn HC-P90x rotation-it's great. :) Do you think about adding some changes or you will follow it as Kathryn has posted it?

Oh,Carole,you must try Imax3. I would like to know your opinion about it-I'm pretty sure you're one of those women who don't make any modification.

I wish everyone have a nice day,

Marketa Preisler

Gooooood morning, ladies:

I am supposed to get my Slow & Heavy series tonight, so I did not work out this AM in anticipation of working my butt off later! I hope it's there when I get home from work. Otherwise I will have to improvise! Maybe some combination of PLB and the core section from Bootcamp (although I did that yesterday, but I LOVE the core sections).

Katie, welcome back! Glad to hear you had such a good time. I have never been to Vegas...

Meanwhile, back to my bucketful of protein. So far today I've eaten egg whites, a protein shake, a protein bar, and ff yogurt with pineapple. The people I work with laugh at my big cooler....

Hi! Just got back from a ski trip to Colorado for four days! It was great!!! My legs are beat to death and my left side of my body is very sore (bit the dust a few times in the Outback - ouch) so tonight is unpacking, laundry, and relaxing yoga to stretch out my soreness! :)

Back to work and so tired!! Wish i had another sick day to take and recuperate my body!

Sounds like I need to bust out the Viper soon - I still have not done that one yet!!
Good morning,

This morning I did KickMax warm up and combos, then did Timesaver #5: Lower body weights. Very good workout! I like the "bonus" moves in TS#5. DD really got a "kick" out of watching Cathe do the Kickbutt Lunges, and informed me that I should do them all the time!

Wendymin - we bailed on the Chuck 'E Cheese idea yesterday because we figured it would be a zoo on a holiday Monday. So, we took the kids sledding instead, then to Tim Horton's for hot chocolate and a doughnut. It was a fun day. I'm sitting here sipping a couple of bottles of water, in anticipation of my u/s in just over an hour. What will your post-CTX workout focus be?

Carla - I remember the Viper! It's a doozy! Fun though, hey?

Everyone who did IMAX3 today - I'm still trying to figure out what the "killer killer" intervals are. IMAX and IMAX2 have their universally agreed-upon killers; I wonder which ones people will concur on wrt IMAX3? I'm thinking the one where you hop forward, sideways, around, tuck, ricochet and jack, 12 times through, is probably one of them! What were your killers?

Carole - so glad you staved off that cold!!!!

Jes - LM and MM in one session? Ooooh, you're going to regret that..........;-)

Katie - glad you had a great trip! Can you give us some of the fun details? Which Cirque did you see? How was the Mirage?

Sandy - I have not forgotten about you!! I am very tardy with emails these days. My bad!

Well, I'd best go choke down another cup of water x(

Have a great day!
WendyMin, I used to take my kids to Chuck E. Cheese's a lot... my older son (who is now 13) used to really like it, but he is majorly into video games and such. My younger son (who will be 6 tomorrow!) HATES it there. To him it is just crowded and scary and he won't get on any of the equipment... I think it's cute and fun when you can get in on a non-crowded day.

Jes, did you really do both LM and MM? WOW, I am so impressed. I am always amazed when I read some of the rotations here. I start out thinking I will do x and then y, but after x, y usually falls by the wayside....:)

Ok everyone

My w/o for this morning was Gym Style Chest & Tris. Oh boy how I love the w/o. I never previewed it I just went with it and matched Cathe # for #. However, I did modify a little on the bench press b/c after all those push-ups I got too shaky and called Cathe crazy. Oh and tri's line ext. I had to modify again. Once again I said Cathe you're crazy if I'm doing 10lbs. I was shaking so much I went down to 5lbs:) that was a good burn and a good struggle. Looking forward to IMAX 3 tomorrow.

Overall I really enjoyed this w/o.....afterwards I went back to my dh all giddy and pumped. I'm soooooo excited b/c I got veins again in places like the shoulders, biceps and chest.}( }( }(


>Wendymin - we bailed on the Chuck 'E Cheese idea yesterday
>because we figured it would be a zoo on a holiday Monday. So,
>we took the kids sledding instead, then to Tim Horton's for
>hot chocolate and a doughnut. It was a fun day. I'm sitting
>here sipping a couple of bottles of water, in anticipation of
>my u/s in just over an hour. What will your post-CTX workout
>focus be?

Hi Sandra,

I would like to start using atleast some of the new weight work outs I have gotten in purchasing the Body Blast and Intensity series' so I am going to work up a rotation for March that focuses on weight training...not too heavy ofcourse...but then again, how heavy can one go when my dumbbells top out at 10# and I don't have a barbell!? :p lol

Sledding...I have not done that in years but what fun! Even as an adult I still find that to be fun! Did you take a ride down too or just watch the kids? :+ The last time I went sledding I was in my mid twenties and I went with 2 other adults and NO CHILDREN-lmao! We had a blast! :7 :7 :7 The hot chocolate and doughnut sound great too! YUMMY!:9

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


>WendyMin, I used to take my kids to Chuck E. Cheese's a
>lot... my older son (who is now 13) used to really like it,
>but he is majorly into video games and such. My younger son
>(who will be 6 tomorrow!) HATES it there. To him it is just
>crowded and scary and he won't get on any of the equipment...
>I think it's cute and fun when you can get in on a non-crowded

Hi Marie,

Well it looks like I have Chuck E. Cheese in my future...and if I don't like it, grandma will be more than happy to take him there on occasion! I'm sure it's fine though as long as it's not too crowded like you said...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi everybody.I am suffering a backache. No exercise for me. Thiat's the reason why I have not written in the forums yesterday. Carla K the viper still being hard. Great workout.Conni great workout. Laurie Mac I feel my biceps biger after a Cathe workout. I am agree. The band is fantastic. I used it in MM and I felt it. Marketa thank you very much for your message. You are an angel. Sandy I hope you will enjoy your workout. Carole I hope you will fell good enough to run. Wendy I think is a great idea exercise during your pregnancy. You only must be carefull with the intensity.Tracy I have done all the terminator workouts and the viper is my favorite after the gaunlet. Try it. Jes MM and Low Max . It is tought.Katie have a great recovery workout.Stoddart I am sure you will love S & H.Reba a nap can help you. Sandra I think that a mix with the timesaver 5 and the leg conditioning drills or kikcmax will be a great lower body workout. I hope I will be OK in a few days.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi Mariángeles.

Hope your back feels better soon so that you can get back to those inspiring "bionic woman" work outs you do!:)

I am so glad that I have kept exercising too. I am careful with what I do. I don't push too hard. I just refused to allow myself to get lazy. I must admit though that I have amazed myself at how well I have kept up my work outs! I really never expected to be able to do this much for this long but I am glad that I can.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Sandra said:
"Everyone who did IMAX3 today - I'm still trying to figure out what the "killer killer" intervals are. IMAX and IMAX2 have their universally agreed-upon killers; I wonder which ones people will concur on wrt IMAX3? I'm thinking the one where you hop forward, sideways, around, tuck, ricochet and jack, 12 times through, is probably one of them! What were your killers?"

There are so much killer killer intervals and I didn't remember which are exactly-I had no time for listening the number of each interval as I'm looking for finding my lost breath.

Marketa Preisler


I have edited due write Sandra said:

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