Daily Check In 2/16/05

Good morning,

I am still sore from Gymstyle Chest& Tri's, so today was Imax 3 and Core Max #3. I will stretch really good later tonight. Have a great day!!

Good morning everyone, still on the February Rotation. Today was PLB, abs from ME, and the first segment of Stetch Max.

I should be getting the bulk of my HC order today, and I just ordered the GS DVDs yesterday because I just couldn't resist any longer! My UPS man is going to get pretty tired of coming to my house!!:7
I was supposed to run last night but did IMAX 3 and core with med ball instead. THat's gonna be a tough one...last night wasn't too bad cause I had to stand and watch and say huh?? Tonight is a 6 mile run and stretch.
Good morning....

Aila...I did the SS premix off Gym Stlye Chest & Triceps yesterday. I really liked it...not as many push-ups!!!

Today I am doing PS Shoulders and Biceps, the tough premix from Coremax and a 10 mile run...had an awesome massage last night....body feels wonderful....:)....have a great day ladies.....:)....Carole
Good morning - I did one of the Kickmax premixes. I didn't want to do the leg conditioning drills today since I did GS Legs yesterday. I will say that my thighs and hamstrings are sore, not sure if it's a good idea to do GS Legs followed by Kickmax, maybe the other way around. I really love the leg conditioning drills and may add them on to my workouts couple times a week.
Good morning everyone. This morning for me was SJP blast only. Still waiting for my hc series;( .

Good morning!!

Yesterday was Poweflex and tonight is advanced step at the gym. TOmorrow I will probably do intervals 6-10 of IMAX3 and PUB. Perhaps my attempt at those intervals will be a bit more graceful than my attempt with the first 5 intervals, lol! All I have to say is thank god no one was watching me trip all over the place;)

Carole, I heard through the "grapevine" that today is your birthday sooo.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very inspiring fellow Catheite!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a most fabulous birthday and an even more fabulous year ahead:7 :7 :7 Was your massage one of your birthday gifts???

Great workouts everyone:) !

Conni, good for you! See now your collection is complete
Morning Everyone,

Today is an attempt at Imax 3 x( . We will see how I do.

Happy Birthday Carole!

Have a great day!
Laurie Mac
Hi good morning. I have a great new. Marketa P have received the hardcore dvd. Don't worry Haydee I am sure you will receive the dvd soon. Carole happy birthday.Conni I hope you will receive the dvd today.Dorothy GS legs and kickmax. You are a brave girl. Yesterday I did Kikcmax and Low Max and my butt is crying today. Thank you Cathe. you are incredible.Sandy great workout.Aila I have seen the stretch max dvd and I love it. Carla K you have worked hard congratulations. Have a great day everybody. Today is muscle max and stretch max too.I can not wait to have a hardcore rotation. Patience.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
This morning was the new high step dvd (from the hardcores) I did the 51 min timesaver premix and I think I will do the entire thing next time. It was still a good workout! I think I am a little afraid of these new workouts and so I keep choosing to do the shorter premixes. What a wimp ! I am going to gather my courage together very soon and just dive in!
Happy Birthday Carole!! I love birthdays- its so fun to celebrate yourself :)

Today I am supposed to be getting Kickmax in the mail, so of course I am going to do that tonight :p Cannot wait! I have a Pilates class today, so that should cover my core work!

I think in a few months I will be ordering the whole Hardcore by the sounds of it!!! Maybe this summer, I am already saving for CTX series, but might just fork it all over for HC :* :*
Head first Maria...just dive right in:+

Happy Birthday Carole...you are very inspiring!!

Today is 45 minutes cardio (probably part of MIC) and Yoga

Happy Birthday, Carole!

Tonight is 10*10*10.

I should be getting my Stretchmax today. Had a response from customer service yesterday when I got home...there was some sort of delay in shipping but it's on the UPS truck today! :) I can't wait to try it! I NEED a good stretching routine!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Good morning!

I previewed KickMax for the second time yesterday, and practiced the combos a bit. I decided they weren't so intense, and watched the Challenge carefully, and planned on how to modify. So, today I did all of KickMax, blasts and all! I had to do high-knee runs in place of all those zig zag jumps, and did all plyo jacks in place of the tuck jumps in the 10th blast. I got a great workout! The combos are *definitely* easier than KPC's combos, but the Challenge is harder than KPC's high-intensity drills. So, down the road I can see myself doing: 1) KPC's combos and KM's challenge, for one workout, and 2) KPC's intensity drills and KM's combos for a less-intense (but still tough workout). KM's leg conditioning drills are really, really good!! How often do you think you need to do them each week, to see some improvement? Two? Three? I'm thinking of tacking them onto other cardio workouts. I couldn't do the first drill segment without taking breaks, but was able to get through the rest quite well. They work your core really well, don't they?

Love the crescent knees in KickMax! And I also love how well this workout is chaptered, so you can create workouts of many different intensity levels and duration. Cathe has done it again!


Wendybdh - Oooooooh!!!!!!! Tamales all over the bathroom?? How awful for you!! I hope you put a note in your pregnancy calendar. The first upchuck is a momentous occasion LOL! I haven't actually vomited yet, but last night when I went grocery shopping I was gagging at some of the food, or the thought of what I was going to be cooking with the food I was choosing. It's really hard to plan your meals in advance when you never know what you're body is going to accept from one day to the next! I have my first doctor's appointment in an hour. I'll be emailing you later today, I promise!!

Jes - please remind me, what HCs did you order? The entire series? Yes, you'll get a note from me later today, too. My parents went home yesterday, and the termite is at daycare today, so I'm trying to get caught up with my life today.

Mariangeles - It sounds like you're having fun with your new workouts! You kick butt!!

Laurie Mac - I wish you well. You are brave. I hope you survive IMAX3 so you can type us a message and let us know how you like it :)

Sandy - good idea to do IMAX3 in 2 segments! It looks like a killer!

Haydee - what is SJP blast only?

I can't remember who suggested it, but a couple of days ago (yesterday?) someone recommended the SB/SJP premix #5. I looked it up in my notes, and it does indeed look tremendous. If I could take the hi impact moves these days, I'd put it in my rotation for next week. Oh well, it's always nice to have post-partum motivations!

Well, I'd best get moving. Have a great day everyone!
Hello ladies!!

It sounds like everyone has put in some great workouts already today!!

I hope everyone is in good health

Today was:
High step challenge: 68 minutes
Low max: premix: all 7 blasts: 24 minutes

I will have to admit that I wish that the cardio segements in this workout were longer, my heart rate did not stay in my target range. I did like the band, I thought that is worked my muscles in different ways..That felt good:)

:) ;-) :p :9 :7 :+
Good afternoon, ladies:

I am having a rough day at work (working at home).... so I took at break at 11:00 and did ME. Wow, I must say, I am feeling much better! LOL Nothing like pounding at the body to relieve stress... this is the first time I've gotten all the way through this workout. I did skip some reps, though, particularly the lunges because I realized halfway through that my sneakers are really holding me back. My foot was sliding around. Time to replace! But a great workout and I am having trouble typing! :D

Happy birthday, Carole!

Hi ladies,

Today I did PLB standing legs only and the step only premix of IMAX 3. Tonight is #2 of coremax.

Hi all, I did PUB Shoulders, PLB lunges then floorwork(can't get into my legs these days I think it has to do with my feet causing me soo many problems , I can't get into the foot doctor til March 16th,sigh), then I did the abs off of PSSL&A then the 8 min. taebo for cardio. My legs are really feeling the fact that I am doing nothing but kickboxing this week. It will be interesting to see how they feel by the end of the week!!:eek:

Hope you all have a great day!!:) :7

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