Daily check-in 19/07/2005

>Kali, no PUB is the same. And the bicep segment still kills
>me!!! For the legs I just knock the weight down. I had gotten
>my weight up fairly heavy as I was doing 45,55,60 or more for
>PLB. So now I do 25,30,35 for the Pyramids. I really like the
>floorwork with the stability ball...:)...Carole

Thanks. I do 15,20,25 right now. So I guess I AM doing it the "freestyle way" Cool! I was hoping you told me you do that damm bicep segment with like NO WEIGHTS! LOL! Wishful thinking I guess!:7
Quick check in and I'm off to work. Thoroughly enjoyed LowMax this morning and finished with abs and stretch. FIL is taking my Kids on a roadtrip today to find a local Provincial Park. My Girls and I met some friends yesterday and perfected the art of BeachMax on the sandy shores of beautiful Sandbanks Provincial Park on Lake Ontario. We got there around 2:30 and did supper and sunset. It was awesome but just under 200 km driving. I had a blast last night reading about and looking at the roadtrip pictures. Welcome home all, thanks for sharing with us.

Take Care
Good morning!

Still recovering from the road trip. I have poor circulation and bad veins in one leg (had the large saphenous vein stripped out 2 years ago) and 4 workouts in 24 hours really inflamed it--to the point that I'm going back to my vascular surgeon tomorrow. Needless to say, this has not stopped me from my workouts. Today I did the 68 minute premix combining step and weights of SB/SJP. I had never done this premix before--it was excellent.

Have a good day!
Hi everyone,

Sorry so late today, but the internet has been down all morning. Anyways,

Jane - Step Heaven is great. It took me a time or two to get the second section, but the music is wonderful!

Today was PUB premix, Christi Hi/lo Heaven section 2.

Have a great afternoon!
Gee, I'm a little late in checking in! I almost completely forgot about it. :p

This morning I did my brand new High Step Challenge DVD, and it was a blast! Definitely a challenge! After doing Cathe's high step class on Sunday, I am inspired to do more of these kinds of workouts. She kicked our butts! ;)

I'm still running behind (it's getting very annoying), so I have to make this short again. Today I did KPC premix #4 (intermediate drills and combos 1&2), followed by MM upper body premix. My belly is getting so big that I don't really seem to do barbell rows very well anymore; the range of motion just isn't there. Cathe always says to make sure you bring the barbell to your navel - well, my navel is going to my barbell!!!

I've enjoyed reading all your posts. I hope to chat more later.

Have a great day,
Hi Ladies,

I had to run this morning without posting my workout. I did P90X shoulders and arms and had to go, plyo X will have to wait until tomorrow. Have a nice afternoon. Now, is back to work for me.
Legs and Glutes....was 3/4 of the way through...and company arrived. I love the company...hate the timing!!!

It appears Denise Austin is not a favorite around here}(

I'm thinking of killing my Visa and ordering some more Cathe DVD's:7
Hey...checkin' in late with what I actually decided to do today...body fusion and stretch max. I got my full size step today!!! $15.00 on ebay and that includes shipping! YEAH! I actually got it BEFORE I started working out so I was able to use it. It's AWESOME!!! :7 :7 :7

cals burned: 466
average hr: 140
high hr: 169
Fit in GS BS&B tonight (my shoulders are FRIED) and Core Max #2. I think tomorrow will be Low Max and maybe GS Legs and CM #3. Too bad I have to go to work - otherwise I could workout longer!


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