Daily check-in 14/07/2005


Hi good morning, today is KENPO P90X and TAEBO. Today is my birthday.I am 29 years old.I would like to share my birthday cake with you, my fitness friends. Have a great day everybody.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Feliz Cumpleanos Mariangles!!!! Espero tienes un dia muy buena!
your workouts are so inspiring!!

i leave for NJ in a few hours and i will be back to check in on Sunday evening:7 Hasta Lugego!

Happy Birthday Mariangeles:7
Enjoy the cake:p
Have a good trip Jes. Its going to be hot and humid up here this weekend...but you're used to it.

Last night: A Master Ballet class offered by a guest instructor

I think that tonight and Friday will be my cardio as the weekend is predicted to be super hot and humid and I will do all strength training and no cardio over the weekend.
Have a good day.

PS...anyone have experience with Direct TV. I am thinking of getting it as they are still having problems getting my cable TV installed. In particular I am wondering how frequently there are weather related outages as this is a dish system.
Good Morning Fit Ladies!

I'm off for a run and then back for SM#3, and maybe some ab work if there is time.

Mariangeles: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a great day!

Jes: Have a safe trip!

Hello to all that follow! For those travelling today, have a safe trip!

Good Morning.

Happy Birthday Mariangeles!

Cathy-I don't have direct tv but dh and I have talked about getting it and ditching cable.

Tammy-Have a good run!

Today is circuit day...BOOT CAMP!!!! :eek:

Then I must go shopping. Have to buy my DH's B'day present! Aside from that, it's the regular things...cleaning, laundry, stuff like that...

Great Morning, Everyone!!

Mariangeles-Happy Birthday!!! :+ :) I hope you have a fantastic day!

Cathy-Welcome back!! Yes, I have Direct TV. Everyone I know does. It is very popular here in FL. The in thing.:p I love it. It doesn't go out anymore than cable does.

Tammy-Enjoy your run!

Carole-I am sorry I forgot to tell you congratulations on your run!! That is so awesome!

Sandra-Thanks for your concerns! I have power and life is getting back to normal. At least in my house. Now outside around me, that's a different story.:(

Last night I did SJP premix. Today Cardio Kicks, GS Back, & Stretch Max 2.

Have a wonderful, fantastic day!!
Happy Birthday Mariangeles and Good Morning to everyone else!

Yesterday was a bad day. My son shot a bb gun at my bedroom window. I don't know why he was even near the house. He feels bad for it and I ragged on him over and over again. I am depressed now and worried that I won't get it fixed immediately and it is soooo hot here and now raining. The window cracked more in the night and woke me up and then I couldn't get back to sleep because once again I got mad. I am embarrassed by the way it looks...YIKES...Hillbilly House! (I'm not laughing)! Did KPC last night after it happened. Had to do something to release the stress properly. Did Core Max 2 earlier in the day. Now I am exhausted as I am suppose to be Tri's/Bi's and segment of Shoulders from Legs and Shoulders. UGHHH!!!!!

Well everyone else have a great workout!

Happy birthday Mariangeles
Today I did Low Max, boy was I sweating. This afternoon I will try to get in 1 core max segment and maybe triceps/biceps. Have a safe trip everyone, I wish I could be there. I can't wait to hear all the details. I will be checking in late tomorrow due to work. Have a great day.:) :7
Good morning everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good day so far. I will S&H chest today with abs. Was supposed today abs yesterday,but they were so sore from doing them on Tuesday. I had done coremax 1, whew! that was tough! I also did the ankle weight exercises of L&G yesterday.

Good morning ladies!

Happy Birthday Mariangles! Have a great day! Anything special planned?

Jes: Have a safe trip!

Cathy: we have dish network and like it a lot. We've had less outages with this then when we had cable.

Tammy: enjoy your run!

Carla: Glad to hear that you've got power back.

Wendy: Have fun doing B/C. Can't wait to be able to do that again.

Charolotte: Sorry to hear about your window.

Tonight I'm planning on doing PS back/biceps and am going to walk at lunch today. I think I pulled something b/c I have a bit of pain around my ribcage. Last night I wanted to do some abs and a segment of stretch max but I was afraid to push it. I'm sure it is nothing since my little guy is active as always.

Have a great day everyone! :)
And Good morning Everyone!

This morning I did upper body premix from MM and then GS shoulders & biceps. Later in the day I'll walk if it clears up and stops raining.
It's going to be quiet around here with everyone leaving for the road trip.
:( I sure wish I were going. For all those who are....HAVE A BLAST and take lots of pictures to share!!! And say hi to Cathe from the ones who didn't go!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIANGELES!!! Have a huge piece of cake for your BD!!! When that cake hits your metabolism, it will burn up in a nanosecond with the w/o's you put out!!! Here's to many many more birthdays!!

Jes - you and all of the other roadtrippers have a wonderful time. We want details when you return!! Maybe next time I'll be able to go.

Cathy - hope you life is finally settling down after your move.

Tammy - have a good run!! It is so humid here even in the mornings, I am not attempting outside exercise.

Wendy - BOOTCAMP indeed. I did that one last week for the first time, it was pretty intense.

Carla - I'm glad your life is returning to normal. Great w/o.

Charlotte - I'm sorry about your window. I know the feeling you have, they feel so bad for doing it, but you are so mad at their irresponsibility. Makes for a lot of mixed feelings. Hopefully you can replace your window soon. Working out is a great way to get the stress level down.

Fitness Jedi - LowMax is a sweatfest isn't it!! I love that w/o.

Kim - Looks like you are getting great w/o's without the cardio. Hang in there girl, get the treatment you need for that foot so you can go full blast again.

Dana - walking sounds good... if it wasn't so hot and humid here.

Laurie Mac - I love, love PUB... have a good run.

Becky - It is going to be quiet around here this weekend isn't it. I'm happy for everybody that is getting to do and yes you must provide a lot of pictures!!!

Conni/Sandra - I am looking into ordering that Fantastic Four DVD from Christi Taylor from collage. The preview I saw looked fun. It would be a nice addition to my Cathe w/o's for a change up. Thanks for the recommendations.

Yesterday a.m. was GS Shoulders, Back, Biceps and CoreMax #2, p.m. was TS #5 - that is a great leg w/o from Legs&Glutes and SJP with some bonus footages that includes kickbutt lunges and one-leg lunges. WOWZA!!!

Today is light cardio. I believe I will do Mega Step Blast. Haven't done it in a while, but I remember it to be a fun workout. I will also do a StretchMax. I need more stretching, I can feel it in my muscles, they are tight.

Hello to all that follow. Have a wonderful day.
Good morning ladies...

Judy...Freestyle is really fun...:)...just remember when doing any Cathe workout to cut the weight down to 70% of what you had been doing. For example if you normally did 50 lb for squats say, then cut to 35 lbs and this is for every exercise as Freestyle focuses on light weights, more reps.

Mariángeles, have a great Birthday....29...I'd like that..:)

Jes...have an awesome time!!!

Cathy..I've had Direct TV for years. I rarely have any trouble . Sometimes in heavy rain it goes out for a few min. Last year I got another receiver with TIVO and I love that!!

Tammy...have a good run..

Wendy...Bootcamp!...wow, have fun..:)

Carla...thanks! The run was fun. I really like GS back....and most all of the Hardcore..

Charlotte....sorry about your son and the window. My DH hit a small hole thru one in our kitchen with his riding mower last year...should be replaced soon...I hope! I can relate to the Hillbilly House..

fitness jedi...Lowmax is a fun workout. Yes I hope everyone has fun at the Roadtrip, seems like most of us in the daily check-in will be here...

I am doing my Freestyle legwork, abs, back & biceps and a 6 mile run. OMG it is suppossed to be 107 here today...yeow...

Have a great day....Carole
Good morning everyone! Some great workouts already.:)

Last night I did Lowmax and let me tell you, I got as low as I could without getting down on the floor! My legs were sobbing by the end of it! Then I did segment 1 of Coremax. Oh, those planks at the end are torturex(

Tonight, I'm doing Bootcamp, then tomorrow I won't be working out as I'll be travelling and road tripping!

Happy birthday again, Mariangeles!

Have a great day everyone:D
Carole.. you aren't running in that kind of heat are you? How do you do that? I would have to have an ambulance on standby!!
WOW it is 7 am here in Denver and so many of you have already worked out. I admire you who get up at the crack of dawn to workout. I am a late night person and am often up until midnight or later. I just love the night. Especially in the summer. I have been known to lift weights at midnight :)

I shortened my run yesterday but other then that did all my planned workouts. I just felt a bit drained after I went to the doctor. Today is imax2, and pub. I will most likely do more abs too. I find I am working my abs everyday. Does anybody else here do that?

Enjoy your day!

Happy Birthday Mariangles! I am 29 also, and have been for several years now!;-)

Jane - You will love your Christi DVD. I am thinking of getting that one only because the rest of my Christi collection is in VHS, and it is fun mixing and matching those workouts!

Today was HSC, lot of fun!

Roadtrippers, I pray for your safe and fun journey. Please give Cathe a hug for me, I wish so much I were going also!:-(
Good morning everyone!

And Happy Birthday, Mariangeles! :)

This morning I did the Step-Only premix of Low Max, and let me tell you all a little trick I learned to kick up the intensity of this workout: Do it while holding a 12-lb cat. It sounds silly, I know. But he left me no choice. He kept trying to lay on my step and take a nap while I was doing reverse mambos. So I said "Fine, you want to be a part of my workout? I'll pick you up and do the step workout while holding you!" He's such a silly kitty! :p So that's my insightful tip of the day - bump up your step intensity by holding a cat. :)

Oh yeah, and I also did Core Max #1, but I didn't hold a cat for that one. ;)

Hope you all have a great day! Some of you I'll be meeting tomorrow on the road trip - woo hoo! :D
>Carole.. you aren't running in that kind of heat are you?
>How do you do that? I would have to have an ambulance on

No Jane...I run fairly early so its only about 75. I normally take electrolyte tablets before running in the heat and drink water before I go...haven't needed the ambulance yet...:)...Carole

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