Daily check-in 10.26.17


Hello everyone! Todays' question is......If/when you fall off the clean eating plan, do you fall face first into a bag of chips or chocolate? I usually go for the sweet stuff. I have to admit though, when I fall, it is an ugly dive into the depths of fat, sugar, salt then naturally regret and GI issues. I don't follow a plan really. I just try to be smart about what I fuel my body with and indulge if I feel like it.

My workout today was KCM Body Design- 4 segments. Now I can finally move that dvd to the bottom shelf, right Linda? Elsie I hope you're getting some decent sleep! Construction still going on?

I'll be checking on you all later....
Hi ladies,

Today I was exhausted and seriously felt pregnant, so I spent a whole lot of hours on the couch reading before I was up for tackling some chores and a workout.

I did a 45 min dance workout followed by Cathe's Body Max 2 upper body section only.

I am not really into clean eating... it sounds good and I know it would be good for me, but with a busy life and soon a family of 6, I just try to stick to 80-20 rule. So 80% of the time I make good choices and 20% I eat what I feel like. I think it's all about moderation though... so it's fine if I have a can of soda now and then, but not daily. As for chocolate... well I probably have that daily, but just 25g of pure chocolate can hit the spot perfectly. Now during pregnancy I have had more treats then before, but I have still not gone crazy and am just gaining what is recommended for a healthy pregnancy. I guess the fact that I have managed to keep up with my workouts although somewhat modified has helped.

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Sweets for me! :). No clean eating plan, just try to keep things balanced as much as I can......

Yep, Peg, move that sucker to the bottom shelf!! :)
Today I did 52 minutes on the elliptical machine at the gym.

No clean eating here.

Have a great day and workout!![emoji16][emoji3]

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Hey Peg,Henriette,Linda and Annette....... great & interesting workouts today! ......sure I'll read yours later as well Linda! :) What's Body Design like? I do not think I have tried that one out. Yes, Peg, we managed to get two nights rest & then it has started up again before 11:30 pm every friggn night. It seriously is wrecking havoc physically. Now I am also starting to be impatient all the time. As for the Question today, I loosely (not giving up pastries!) follow a TCM diet due to similar reasons as Peg (GI issues, inflammation), but I am pretty off-the-wagon currently. It's been salty starchy things here for me. I feel way better and stronger when I am following it for sure.

My w-o today was an hour Power Step by Power Group Music again and added on some weighted sit & stands which are pretty killer!

Hey there to Missy & Ceci checking in a bit later!! :)
Yep, here I am Elsie, bringing up the rear! :). Hello to Annette, Peg, Henriette, Ceci & Missy, hope everyone has
Had a good day. Cold here, it is going to be cold tonight, brrr......ain't ready for this!
Tonight I did a couple more "shorty" workouts, a mini blender legs workout and then I did Leslie's 1 mile Happy
Walk on YouTube. I don't think that one was ever released on DVD and it is a neat little fast paced walk.
That's it for me....."see" everyone later.....
Hi Elsie! Body design is pretty nice. I’m hit or miss with Kelly but this one offers a bit of everything. There are 6 segments (15 min each) for a 90 min workout if you do the whole thing. Cardio, cardio with light weights (3-5 pounds), Kickboxing, upper strength, lower strength and yoga. She has premixes of 2 or 3 segments together. I prefer a solid hour so I just add on a segment. The yoga is a series of poses that move right along. No holding the pose. But it just repeats the pattern over and over.....and over. It’s still a nice workout though. I was using 15lbs for the lower body and it can get challenging. I enjoy it and recommend it!

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