Hey Again! My workout is done and it was a good one, legs feeling fatigued and exhilerated!
Foodie Sue, I love DOMS to especially in my upper body as it happens less often, I haven't done any SH for a while, maybe it's time.
Carole, I love your workout today, sounds like my days when I can't decide what to do so I do a little of everything, enjoy!
Jes, those puzzle mat stocks must be going through the roof, I bought 4 packs this week and am heading out for more today as well. I was going to do a double layer but got an awesome deal on some good underlay at a carpet store that's closing, I love a bargoon:+
Tammy how do you like IMAX3? I haven't learned to love it yet. I do it in bits and pieces, it's a toughie as is.
Emily, enjoy your quiet weekend and have fun with StepBlast, my fave!
Sandra, I'm thinking of ordering more Christie Taylor, she's fun.
You've got me convinced to get BodyBlast on DVD with your raves about premixes.
Wendy, I remember the loosey goosey tummy after having a child, pregnancy changed my body big time some for the better though, it gave me a nicer curve in my hips which I like, the moushy lower ab never tightened up but that's okay, I guess that's why God made Lycra
You are doing great!!
Terri, my fellow Gym Style Legs Girl, sounds like a good rainy day workout. Don't you love to hate those slooooow lunges}(
Enjoy your Weekend! I hate shopping on Saturday but be that as it may.....right now I'm doing what Cathe says, 'I'm stalling and it feels great!'
Take Care