Custom of the Country


OK, I started the book this past w/e (I know, a little early, but I finished the other sooner than I thought). I'm about 140 pages in, & here are my thoughts so far.

Undine is such an a$$hole! OMG! What a vain, shallow, stupid, empty shell of a girl! I know Wharton is trying to make the point that she was raised that way--I guess to be a decoration or something--but I'm not buying it b/c lots of women were raised that way back then & managed to make something of themselves, other than an ornament who spends other people's money without a second thought. Plus she's so incredibly stupid when it comes to society--she marries a man b/c of the "set" he runs with. I mean, if you're gonna be that shallow & not marry someone you love, I think it should be at least be for money LOL.

And Undine seems completely incapable of any kind of emotion other than greed & petulance. I believe in today's world she'd be called a sociopath. :p

Of course her parents are somewhat at fault--from what I can tell so far, neither of them really seem to have emotions either, other than love for their daughter (or is it ambition?). They are classic enablers.

And her poor dumb husband--that poor guy married a woman solely for the way she looked & now he's paying the price!

I'm hoping the rest of the book will give Undine some depth. Maybe she'll actually fall in love w/someone & I can see her as a human being instead of a robot. I can't help comparing her to Scarlett, who was greedy & selfish in her own way, but many of the things she did that were considered immoral, unethical or just plain bad she did for survival of herself, her family, & Ashley's family. And Scarlett sure had character & emotions!

I'm also hoping the reason I'm so offended by Undine isn't b/c I see some of my own characteristics in her. :eek:;):p
Hi Laura (your user name cracks me up, Lauramax, body max, drill max, kick max....)

I am on page cheater!:D lol.

I agree with you about Undine, narcisstic, selfish, manipulative….she reminds me of Rosamond Vincy, a character in Georg Elliot’s, Middlemarch. However Undine is lacking heart and soul. The depths of her seeking, her chameleon nature, her lack of self-understanding, and her complete disregard for the (emotional) effect she has on others is simply staggering.

Wharton’s writing is fantastic! She has effectively drawn a picture of Undine such that we HATE her. Her use of adjectives is masterful. I feel as if I am in the room, richly and thoroughly described down to the nuances and subtleties.

“Her incessant movements were not the result of shyness:she thought it the correct thing to be animated in society, and noise and reslessness were her only notion of vivacity.”

“Undine had no attention spare: they remained on a plane with the dim pictures hanging at her back”

I don’t think this sort of character is a product of her times, as a matter of fact, I have met people like her, Hollywood types, music industry types, you’re just a rung on their ladder. What happens when there are no more rungs? You find yourself all alone in the world. They just want to be petted and worshipped, not have any sort of relationship that is depth full or has meaning.

I am hopeful Wharton has a comeuppance planned, it seems like most 19th –20th century literature has some sort of moral or lesson woven into the denouement.
Sorry! I started & just couldn't put it down! :) Wharton was an incredibly talented writer.

So you think Undine will get what's coming to her, huh? I think you might be right. I remember the character in House of Mirth (can't remember her name at the moment) didn't have much of a happy ending. And she was actually a somewhat sympathetic character.

BTW, I googled Undine b/c there are a few comments in the book about how her husband thinks her personality is so reflective of her name, & I came up w/a bunch of references, from some kind of fish to ballet to a flute sonata. I think Wharton is using it as something related to water. I'm trying to figure out what we're supposed to intepret from that. :confused:
In German mythology, there is a female water spirit called Ondine, who lost her immortality when she married a man and bore his child.

Evidently the man didn't like it when she began to age, and he cheated. Ondine caught him and cursed him, saying that as long as he was awake, he would continue to draw breath, but the moment he fell asleep, he would die.

Maybe this is the Undine/Ondine reference you're looking for? There certainly seem to be parallels, although I admit I haven't read "Custom of the Country".

But it sounds good - maybe I'll see if the library has a copy!
Undine is an A$$hole! I can't tell you what page I'm on as I'm reading this on my Kindle, but I'm getting ready to start chapter X. Shallow, you betcha! So where I'm at she hasn't gotten married yet but is engaged and just had a meeting with Elliot (or is it Elmer?) in Central Park.

I do like how Wharton makes me what to slap Undine! I think I want to slap her mother too (and her father!). But this is part of the allure of the story is it not?

I do believe it's Wharton's purpose to make us feel distaste for this girl and portray how ridiculous the society people are.
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OMG! My puggle ate my book this morning! :( I fell asleep on the sofa last night while I was reading, & I think I left it under one of the pillows--she found it when I was in the shower, when I came downstairs it was in shreds on my LR floor.

OK it's kind of funny. But what will I read over the w/e? I could start another book, but then what? I probably won't get another copy of this til next week (I'm a-skeered to get one from the library in the event it meets the same fate as the one I actually owned ;)).
OMG! My puggle ate my book this morning! :( I fell asleep on the sofa last night while I was reading, & I think I left it under one of the pillows--she found it when I was in the shower, when I came downstairs it was in shreds on my LR floor.

OK it's kind of funny. But what will I read over the w/e? I could start another book, but then what? I probably won't get another copy of this til next week (I'm a-skeered to get one from the library in the event it meets the same fate as the one I actually owned ;)).

OMG! Your puggle ate Undine - your puggle is pretty dang smart!!! LOL:D
OMG! My puggle ate my book this morning! :( I fell asleep on the sofa last night while I was reading, & I think I left it under one of the pillows--she found it when I was in the shower, when I came downstairs it was in shreds on my LR floor.

OK it's kind of funny. But what will I read over the w/e? I could start another book, but then what? I probably won't get another copy of this til next week (I'm a-skeered to get one from the library in the event it meets the same fate as the one I actually owned ;)).

WHAT???? I guess puggle knew you didn't like Undine! :p Rather than get another book, why don't you just read something else and then we can catch up on the next book?
WHAT???? I guess puggle knew you didn't like Undine! :p Rather than get another book, why don't you just read something else and then we can catch up on the next book?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I can't stop now! I need to find out what happens to the evil female water spirit! :p
OK, I have resumed the book (thank you Amazon!) & am another 150 or so pages in. Undine keeps getting worse & worse! I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't made it as far, but girlfriend started paying the piper for her shallow nastiness, & has somehow managed to climb out of the hole she dug herself into.

I just can't put this book down. Wharton rocks!

(I wonder what dear Edith would say about her rockin? ;))
Hi Ladies

I agree, Edith Wharton does rock. I put the book down this weekend (I think I am near where you are in the book Laura) because I feel bad for Ralph, (and Paul) and I have a sinking feeling where this is going. IMO Undine and Elmer were made for each other. Poor Ralph is learning some tough life lessons about being gullible, naive, and predictable.

I will definitely read more Wharton, her observations and insight into people were spot on and beautifully described.
Hi Ladies

I agree, Edith Wharton does rock. I put the book down this weekend (I think I am near where you are in the book Laura) because I feel bad for Ralph, (and Paul) and I have a sinking feeling where this is going. IMO Undine and Elmer were made for each other. Poor Ralph is learning some tough life lessons about being gullible, naive, and predictable.

I will definitely read more Wharton, her observations and insight into people were spot on and beautifully described.

I was thinking the same exact thing! I can't help but compare it to GWTW, even though the characters aren't as sympathetic. If Undine's Scarlett, Elmer is Rhett (albeit Elmer's name isn't near as sexy as Rhett's, plus he doesn't sound so hot from Wharton's description ;)). Ralph (who at first I thought was a dumbass who married for looks, but now realize is a very sensitive & kind man) is Ashley, & Clare is Melanie.

I think you're right. An Undine/Elmer union is inevitable.

But you're not as far as I've gotten if you think Ralph will learn some lessons from this. I have about 50 pages left, I think I'll finish tonight b/c I just can't help myself. :) Let me know when you're done, there is so much tragedy in this book & I need to talk about it w/someone!
But you're not as far as I've gotten if you think Ralph will learn some lessons from this. Let me know when you're done, there is so much tragedy in this book & I need to talk about it w/someone!

Oh Laura, my god, I was only a page or two away. I had set the book down when Ralph was in Elmer's office....needless to say, now I am in the next section.

I would have been done with the book by now, I am usually a pretty fast reader, but Wharton's writing inspires me to re-read whole passages, and also she describes her characters so well I become disgusted with them and set the book down. I don't think any author has ever made me feel the characters so vividly.

I think I should be done by morning. :)
I'm reading on my Kindle so can't tell you what page I'm on but I'm 90% done. I think I have two or three chapters left so I plan to finish it tonight. All I can say is "oh my!" I am thoroughly enjoying this book. The characters are very well thought out and I love their interactions. Undine is a piece of work!

I'll check back with you all tomorrow.

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