cursing at cathe?


"cathe, you're killing me!", "grrrr cathe!", "ouch ouch ouch #!*@!"

do you find yourself saying a few choice words to your television
when cathe gets your muscles burning?

i do. }(

it's really all love though. :+
Sure do!! My hubby used to always ask who I was talking to, thinking it was him. Now he just ignores me. I think I have a love/hate thing with Cathe. When she's really trying to kill me, my favorite phrase is "I hate you!" or "woman get out of my TV!!!" Confused my 6 yr old for a while, too. He just ignores me now as well.
I usually don't curse Cathe while I am doing to's usually the day AFTER when the DOMS are screaming (like today!!!)
I tell her NO, alot. She will say something like 2 more sets and I will say NO!. I will try to do them, but I don't want to.

I am always telling Cathe "No" I tend to curse at her a lot during leg day. }( I'll even say "This b*&^%% is crazy" hahaha!!!! Dh will laugh at me sometimes the way I talk to that TV but nowadays, he's just learned to ignore me. :)
I did SJP recently and I think it's in the stretch at the end where you're lying down and then have to sit up and continue stretching. I was so knackered, I just said 'please no' ... and then got up and carried on!

it seems to be during lower body workouts, I more or less grunt and sometimes with the occasinal "Oh S~#*T girl,Your killing me!

And to all your beginners-I always laugh in the upper body add on on bodyfusion/basic step! The part where were doing the biceps concentration curls, and she makes the remark about being lop sided! I laugh everytime:D !
Heck yeah. Plenty of expletives. I also talk back to her, especially when she asks questions: Are you feeling it? (d*mn right I am) Are you ready for this? (NOOOOO!) I know you've got fuel left! (I do not!) ;-)
This morning during Lowmax:

Cathe: We're doing it all over again!
Me: No we're not!

Cathe: Another 15!
Me: Oh Sh**!

The first time that I did B&G I was screaming lots of four-letter words at the tv. DH heard me and just started laughing...he had given it to me for xmas.
First time I did KickMax, right before the dreaded Plie Squat jumps - I uttered an expletive - not sure what, but it was not very nice. I looked around for the hidden cameras when Cathe leaned towards me, cocked her head and said with that pleasant little smile of hers, "What was that?"

Oh yeah, I curse, complain, moan, whine... My DD14 will occasionally say, "Mom, stop swearing at Cathe, it isn't nice."
I often refer to her as the devil!}( Especially during blast #9 on Imax 2.

I tend to talk back to her too. When she says "I know you're tired, but jump higher", I've given her the middle finger a couple of times!!!x(

It's all out of love though right?!?!?
i swear at her! nope.... not very lady-like at all!

i also "answer" her when she asks how we're doing *rolls eyes*

cathe is EVIL (as is coach troy!!!!!!!!!!!! he's gets sworn at and flipped off, too!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Reading all these replies makes me laugh because although I curse at her and answer Cathe back - this is why I love her workouts so much!
I just want to give her a kiss and a hug and say 'thank you' because of her I'm getting the body I want }( even when she is pushing me when I think I can't anymore.
I agree ShyWolf, I think that's why I love her workouts so much too. Getting out that angst just makes me work that much harder!
I usually just tell her to shut up, especially when she's all perky and happy at the end of the workout.

Annette Bethel

Before, during and after but in a nice way of course. But I do realize the workouts are tough but effective because of the peanut butter. I am convinced, it is something in the peanut butter Cathe eats to produce these workouts ;D LOL

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