Curious, Who's be a Live member since the beginning?


Not me, that's for sure lol.
Been on and off for a few years. More off cause for 2 years my internet was so bad, I really couldn't stream.

I've been back on again, and I've been looking at Cathe's Live workouts from the beginning, and they look so fun. The production isn't as good, but they just look like a good fun workout.
I have been with CatheLive since the beginning, since, I guess, about mid 2014....I started with CatheLive, because in the OnDemand, if I can remember correctly, the Workout Blender
wasn't ready at the very beginning, but I don't think it was too many months until it launched,
and once that happened, I switched over to the full OnDemand, still have it, and the rest is
history ! It has been great and I totally fell in love with the workout blender......I didn't start
out doing alot of the Live workouts....but in the last year or so, I have really been getting into
them, purchasing alot of the Live workout downloads, and re-visting some of the older ones.
and you're right, alot of the older ones are fun workouts! Cathe has been adding alot of
express workouts, which I love for the time factor, and so much variety.
I've had both since the beginning. I haven't bought any dvds since RWH. I don't use the blender as much as I thought I would, I have maybe 30 workouts in it. I do use the on demand premixes and live all the time. I love it and I hope when I move, that there will be better internet so I can continue.
I have 50 workouts in my blender library so far. Just signed up to another 12 months of OnDemand. Love the workout blender as I can shorten workouts and add breaks to allow me time to swap out weights, set up equipment, etc.

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