Curious about your work outside of making videos


Hi Cathe, and thanks for the tips on teaching a Boot Camp class. I think a stop watch might come in handy. My work is in corporate fitness, and many of the members are postural walking nightmares (from slumping over computers all day). They also have overuse injuries from various activities, so I have to be very careful about what I do in group exercise. Isn't it funny that what comes so easy to us is so hard for others? My members refuse to try plyometric moves because they view them as high impact and injurious, but what is really going on is they cannot control the eccentric land to gravity by allowing the large lower body muscles to absorb the impact versus the feet and ankles. Their idea of a fun class is lots of jumping jacks and sashays! :) Teaching in real-time was a huge wake-up call when I began six years ago, as my only experience was using exercise videos. I expected the participants to be as fluid and graceful as those in videos, but when I observed the way some people move in class - oh my! :) There was so much choreogrpahy I couldn't use and still can't, but with time and encouragement they have become much more adaptable to change and more confident in their abilities.

Anyway, that was a tangent. My purpose for posting was to ask what your work consists of at Four Seasons outside of making videos? Do you own the health club or direct the aerobics program, and can you bring your little guys to work with you? Just a curious fan asking questions! :D

Thanks for all you do for us!


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