CTX vs Timesaver?


I am quite new to Cathe. However, I have collect many of her videos alreday.

I have her CTX and love it. I am running time crunch since I am working mom with two kids. CTX is good for me to slove time problem. Could anyone tell me what's the difference between CTX and Timesaver? Does it worth buying it when I already have CTX?

I am in advanced level. I am looking to something really burning fat and building up muscle within limited of time every day.


Hi WantFit.

Timesaver is set up like CTX (with short cardio segments followed by one body part of weight work). Timesaver doesn't really contain much new material, however, as it is made up mostly of various pieces of the Body Blast Series. In my opinion, if you have the BB series, you don't really need Timesaver. The BB series has tons of premixes of varying durations, so you can always create your own timesaver-like workouts. Now, if you don't have Body Blast, I suppose Timesaver would be a good intro to it. The bottom line for me is, I have both CTX and Timesaver, and whenever I want a shortened workout, I reach for CTX. I do love the Body Blast workouts, though, and would highly recommend getting them.

I have the BB series, the CTX series and Timesaver. If I want a short workout, I only ever use CTX. Never use Timesaver. If I want to do a BB workout, I do the original BB workout!

I think I should sell my never opened, never used Timesaver!!!

Thanks, Clare. You helped me make up my mind. I will keep doing CTX. Alternating it with pre mix from other her dvds.

How do you like Terminator? I have Terminator, but never use it yet. I am kind of scared of its name. It includes Imax 2, but mixed with other videos. Is it worth buying Imax 2 when I have Terminator? I heard so many good things about Imax 2.



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