ctx upper body split



I am still doing my kickboxing, taebo, pilates and yoga but I need to get back to my upper body.I am thinking of using the upper body split and do 2 of the workouts a day like back and shoulders along with my cardio workout. What do you ladies think. I have used all the other CTX workouts but I think it will workout great for days when I want to mix up.I do love muscle endurance and pyramids but this will be nice. I will get the best of 2 worlds!!

I can't wait to add power circuit in this week. The old story on this thread is Too Many Workouts Not Enough Time Do I hear an Amen Sista!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good evening

Deb:) :) }(
Hi Pinky

I don't know why I have never mixed the upper body split to my other workouts. To many great workouts I guess. I plan to add them in next week though.

Have a great day and nice weekend

I am headed back to work now

Deb:) :)

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