CTX upper body as an endurance workout?



I wanted to buy an endurance workout for the upper body. However, I already own CTX upper body and like it alot. Does this classify as an endurance workout as it does not really use heavy weights and there are lots of reps or should I get a dvd like muscle endurance. Its nice to have the variety, but I won't bother getting muscle endurance if it does not give me anything more than CTX upper body (I know ME has lower body but i have tonnes of videos for that anyway). I have heard great things about ME though

Thanks for your replies
CTX is a longer, tougher upper body endurance workout than ME. ME is good if you want a shorter workout with a few different exercises. I love CTX!
CTX-UB split is an endurance workout, and I like it more than ME. However, ME gives me variety. I find ME's bicep workout the hardest among Cathe's endurance workouts. But that's just me. I have weak biceps.:) Also ME has lower body and ab work, so it works your whole body. Edited to add that ME's ab work is superb.


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