
Hey cathe fans! I was eyeing the CTX Upper Body split and LL tapes and needed some advice. If I did the upper body tape once a week and the LL tape once a week, what kind of results could I expect? I've been doing PH twice a week for about 7 weeks now and 3 cardios each week as well. I can only devote about an hour to working out 5 days/week... (M-F at 5:30 a.m.!!!)... I'm not overweight but want to gain muscle and tone up... so any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Sara Herzig
I am not an expert but if you do not put on muscle easily the most you can expect is good tone. If you want to increase muscle mass and that is your main goal I would suggest Cathe's Slow and Heavy and maybe drop a cardio. I usually make this a 2-day split with Upper body one day and lower body the next and the other weight day make it PH or MIS (my personal fave).


I do each upper body part twice a week and LL once a week with either Body Max's Power Circuit segment or CTX's Power Circuit later in the week for additional lower body work. It usually looks like this:
Sat. CTX chest & shoulders and a short (20-30 min) cardio
Sun. LL and CTX triceps
Mon. CTX back & bis and a short cardio
Tue. Cardio
Wed. CTX upper body split
Thu. Body max's step and power circuits or CTX power circuit
I generally like to break up my upper body work, not to do it all in one day, but this is just me. You could also do:
Sat. Cardio
Sun. CTX Upper Body
Mon. Cardio
Wed. Cardio
Thu. CTX Upper Body
Have fun!!!

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