Hi Kim,
I'd be glad to tell you. Just as some background, this is the 3rd time I've lost a significant amount of weight. As background, I was never an overweight child, I started putting on weight when I hit puberty at age 12. I've been all different sizes over the years (I'm 31 now). I lost about 50 lbs. at age 18, by basically starving myself. That weight came back on with a vengeance as soon as I fell off the "starvation train". Totally unhealthy, and I probably gained an extra 20 lbs due to the bingeing that followed. I again lost about 50 lbs. at the age of 24. That was done in a more healthy manner, but again came back. This time though, it took a prolonged amount of time. (The first time, I swear I gained the 50 lbs back in a matter of a couple of months. It's amazing what the body can do.) Anyway, by the time I was 29, I was fairly overweight. (I'm 5'5", medium-framed.) I would say I was a solid 190 lbs for about 3 years. Then, I came down with mono (yes, the "kissing disease", at 29 for Pete's sake!!). I packed on a good 30 lbs. over the course of about 2 months, ballooning me up to about 210 lbs. That definitely was my highest weight ever. By the fall of 2000, I had decided enough was enough. I was so bloated, and felt completely aweful. My joints ached, and I couldn't go up the stairs in my house without being out of breath (honestly). I knew I was turning 30, and this was the time to do it.
I started out with a sensible eating plan - fairly low-fat. I know there's controversy as to the low-fat way of eating, but I just find that I can eat "hearty amounts" without consuming excessive calories, and I'M NOT A NIBBLER, I ENJOY FEELING FULL AFTER A MEAL. I swapped a muffin, or danish in the morning for cereal. (What a totally unhealthy, empty meal a danish is now that I think of it.) I started doubling my portion of veggies at dinner, and halving my portion of protein.
I have to admit, I am a HUGE CARBOHOLIC. There's is NO WAY I could ever go low-carb. I did try to eat more whole grains (e.g. I eat whole-wheat pasta and breads, instead of the refined white versions). In addition, I would eat an open-faced sandwich instead of one with 2 slices of bread. So, I guess in a way, I did cut down on carbs - breads, rice, and pasta anyway. Previously, I tended to eat huge portions of those. I still really watch portions with these items. Also, I'm not sure if there is any substantial fact in this at all, or if it's all in my head, but I drank quite a bit of coffee. I had just gone back to school, and was studying a lot, and hence the coffee breaks. I have read that coffee does up your metabolism slightly. Probably not the healthiest advice to be passing along, but I'm just telling it like it is. I've always been a coffee-nut though.
As for exercise, I started doing Kathy Smith's "Lift Weights to Lose Weight" 3x/week, and longer cardio sessions 5x/week (again, Kathy Smith tapes). (As I mentioned in my previous email). It took about a year to loose the weight this time (much slower than my previous efforts). By the time I was down to about 140 lbs (which surpassed where I ever thought I'd get to in the first place), I discovered Cathe. I started with "Rhythmic Step" (which knocked me on my butt, and I thought I was pretty fit after a year of working out), and "Power Hour". After about 1 month, I lost an additional 10 lbs that I wasn't even trying to lose!!!! I'm sure it was the intensity of Cathe's cardio workouts (funny, but I find Rhythmic Step fairly easy now), and the incredible intensity of her weight-training tapes.
Right now, I'm working really hard at maintaining. I've always been a champion at losing the weight, but not so great at keeping it off. I have to tell you, it's a struggle almost each and every day. I've resolved myself to the fact that it always will be. I have suffered some bouts of binge eating, especially over the holidays. It is still REALLY difficult for me to eat some foods in moderation. I am a gigantic fan of ANY type of baked goods (especially muffins, and not the low-fat kinds!!!). I am working hard at maintaining "clean eating" every day. I just feel so much better when I do it (my skin looks better, it shows on my figure, and my self-image is a THOUSAND times better when I'm eating healthy.) So, I stick with the low-fat, but am able to eat more than when I was losing.
I hope this helps. Good luck with everything you are trying to achieve. Remember, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I never would have believed this, but now that my one-year anniversay of maintaining is in the near future, I do believe!!!! I've struggled with weight for 20 years, and I guess it always will be a struggle, but it's so worth every challenge!!!
Let me know if you have any other questions.