CTX Upper Body and LL Rotation


Hello. I lurk often (too often) but hardly ever post. Just wondering if anybody has done, or is currently doing, a CTX Upper Body and LL rotation. If so, how did you do it, and what were your results? I have not done any workouts (other than sporadic) in quite the while, and I need to jump on the bandwagon. I am going on a vacation July 12, and would like to do the best I can (something to strive for) and keep going from there. I need to ultimately lose about 65 pounds (hopefully in time) and lose lots of body weight. Any other great rotations for this would be appreciated
I have a Split rotation that incorporates those tapes.

Mon: CTX Upper Body
Tues: Leaner Legs
Wed: IMax or IMax2
Thurs: Pyramid Upper Body (you could just do the other tapes again)
Fri: Pyramid Lower Body
Sat: Rythmic Step

For me to lose weight, exercise is not such a big deal because I am active anyway. Eating less is the only thing that helps me lose weight.
Thanks for the info. I've cut back as much as I am going to at this point (foodwise) but I am very busy, but very sedentary. Seems as soon as I add exercise in a few pounds tend to drop. I work behind a computer about 55 hours per week, go to school at night, and am a single mom, so exercise has gone by the wayside. I know I need to fit it in (and I have a TERRIBLE time with morning exercise). lol. It will have to work somewhere, sometime!!

Thanks again!
Hey Pollytc,

Just wanted to chime in and say HI. I usually lurk here too, but I wanted to offer you encouragement. I know how hard it is for you with your schedule. I only work 40 hours a week behind a computer (as a secretary) and I also go to school at night, trying to complete my Bachelor of Business Administration (hopefully this year if I can pass Algebra) and I have two kids (ages 8 and 10). My husband doesn't come home until late and doesn't help me do anything so I know how the laundry and dishes pile up and you still have to do the grocery shopping and take the kids everywhere for everything. What I have to do is when I get home, I send the kids off to the other room to play on the playstation or whatever and they understand that when I'm exercising, they'd better not interrupt me or ask me anything and if they do, some one had better be bleeding (which has happened - 2 boys!) Of course they love telling me "Mama, you're not doing it right, that's not what she's doing" (maybe one day I'll be able to do Cathe's abwork!)

If you have the CTX series, this is great for short, intense cardio when you don't have much time!

I really believe that exercise should be FUN and we should also enjoy food. I think portion control is more important than dietary restrictions (I'm probably in the minority on this board, but that's JMO). If someone told me I could never have chocolate again, I'd say just shoot me now. I don't think foods should be labeled "good" or "bad". It's just food, and if I want Blue Bell Dutch Chocolate ice cream, I'm going to have it and I will enjoy it. Yes, I'd like to be a size smaller than I am now and I am trying to tone but my life will not revolve around the number on the scale. Don't let the scale rule your life, enjoy life to its fullest.

Just remember that you are important and you need time for yourself too. Listen to your body and know your limits. I didn't mean to write a book, I really just wanted to say hi and that you CAN do it. Take one day at a time and Believe in yourself.

Take Care,
Hi Stacey. Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement. I am with you on the eating thing. Really, my hat is off to all of those who do the "clean eating" thing. I have really been wathcing what I eat, but at the same time I am not a "clean eater". I know just getting off my butt alone with help with me losing some of this weight. I've been a queen to the scale in teh past, but I'm really trying to stay off it now (maybe once a month). I just want the much needed energy I'm lacking right now (which I do know I will gain from working out) and want to feel better. I know I will never look like Cathe, and though it is a dream to have that hard body look, I am basically striving to drop the obese pounds I have going and look better and enjoy my life at the same time. I'm not trying to step on any toes here at all, so I hope nobody took offense to that. As I mentioned, I do wish I had the mentality to eat clean.

As far as vids, I have all of Cathe's vids except for the S&H series and the new Intensity series. I never did get the S&H because I really need to decrease........maybe someday if I get to a decent size I'm happy with I'll buy the S&H. I would love to buy the Intensity series, but I guess that will/can be my reward if I stick to the tapes I already have (I have most of Cathe's and a million Firm's, some Taebo's, BeachBody tapes, and others as well). I mostly enjoy Cathe though. She gets me motivated like nobody else can. Boy, feel like I'm writing a book here myself!! lol.

Again Stacey, thanks for your kind words.

Hi there,

I don't want to butt in, but just wanted to give a hats off to both of you. Sounds like a wicked schedule that you both have. Balancing a career, family and children and adding school on top of that is not easy.

Best of luck - I know its hard finding the time, but you know that if you do somehow dig out that last 1/2 hour each day and exercise, you'll feel so much better and be so glad that you did it. Think of it as one small 1/2 hour in the day that's just for you!

Happy Exercising!


I actually had just went back to CTx for my March roation because I wanted something I'm comfortable
with for this month, although I love the new Intensity series. I have long hours at work on Friday
and Sat is too busy after work, so I workout Sunday - Thursday. So this is my roation:
Sun - CTX Power Circuit with Back and Chest work (and I do Firms M5DA)
Mon - CTX Kickbox with Biceps and Triceps and M5DA
Tues - CTX All Step with Shoulders and M5DA
Wed - CTX Leaner Legs with ABs and Yoga (45 min)
Thurs - Intensity Series: IMAX2, and Pyradmid Upper Body
Fri and Sat off
this is doable with my schedule. Next month I will be doing more of the Intensity series as a rotation.
If I have time on Sat, I will stick in Cardio and Weights from the Intensity series, or just do the cardio
from it with some ab work at the end.

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Hi, I'm also a "lurker" but I did email Cathe this question in the past. At the time, I was doing CTX Upper Body 3x/week, and Leaner Legs 3x/week. I also did 6 cardio sessions/week - A LOT, I know. Cathe said to try each tape 2x/week, and if not achieving the wanted results, bump it back up to 3x each.

I have to tell you, I did stay with the heavier rotation, and I did find I really bulked up, as opposed to my goal of "leaning out". I was lean to start with, but I went through a bit of "lax" eating throughout X-mas, and was doing this really heavy rotation. So, it could have to do with not having the cleanest diet, or just my genetic make-up, but I did find it was a lot, and I got significantly bigger.

To tell you the truth, over the past year I have dropped 80 lbs. I found that doing 5 cardio sessions/week with 3 total body weight training sessions/week was the key to helping me trim down. I started out doing Kathy Smith's "Lift Weights to Lose Weight". When I was close to my goal weight, I moved to Cathe's videos, starting with "Power Hour" 3x/week. Whew! I'm telling you - this really slimmed me down!!! I would recommend it to anyone! Throw in her cardio tapes 4-5x/week and you're set! Best of luck to you!!! You can do it!!!!

Hi Kim,

I'd be glad to tell you. Just as some background, this is the 3rd time I've lost a significant amount of weight. As background, I was never an overweight child, I started putting on weight when I hit puberty at age 12. I've been all different sizes over the years (I'm 31 now). I lost about 50 lbs. at age 18, by basically starving myself. That weight came back on with a vengeance as soon as I fell off the "starvation train". Totally unhealthy, and I probably gained an extra 20 lbs due to the bingeing that followed. I again lost about 50 lbs. at the age of 24. That was done in a more healthy manner, but again came back. This time though, it took a prolonged amount of time. (The first time, I swear I gained the 50 lbs back in a matter of a couple of months. It's amazing what the body can do.) Anyway, by the time I was 29, I was fairly overweight. (I'm 5'5", medium-framed.) I would say I was a solid 190 lbs for about 3 years. Then, I came down with mono (yes, the "kissing disease", at 29 for Pete's sake!!). I packed on a good 30 lbs. over the course of about 2 months, ballooning me up to about 210 lbs. That definitely was my highest weight ever. By the fall of 2000, I had decided enough was enough. I was so bloated, and felt completely aweful. My joints ached, and I couldn't go up the stairs in my house without being out of breath (honestly). I knew I was turning 30, and this was the time to do it.

I started out with a sensible eating plan - fairly low-fat. I know there's controversy as to the low-fat way of eating, but I just find that I can eat "hearty amounts" without consuming excessive calories, and I'M NOT A NIBBLER, I ENJOY FEELING FULL AFTER A MEAL. I swapped a muffin, or danish in the morning for cereal. (What a totally unhealthy, empty meal a danish is now that I think of it.) I started doubling my portion of veggies at dinner, and halving my portion of protein.

I have to admit, I am a HUGE CARBOHOLIC. There's is NO WAY I could ever go low-carb. I did try to eat more whole grains (e.g. I eat whole-wheat pasta and breads, instead of the refined white versions). In addition, I would eat an open-faced sandwich instead of one with 2 slices of bread. So, I guess in a way, I did cut down on carbs - breads, rice, and pasta anyway. Previously, I tended to eat huge portions of those. I still really watch portions with these items. Also, I'm not sure if there is any substantial fact in this at all, or if it's all in my head, but I drank quite a bit of coffee. I had just gone back to school, and was studying a lot, and hence the coffee breaks. I have read that coffee does up your metabolism slightly. Probably not the healthiest advice to be passing along, but I'm just telling it like it is. I've always been a coffee-nut though.

As for exercise, I started doing Kathy Smith's "Lift Weights to Lose Weight" 3x/week, and longer cardio sessions 5x/week (again, Kathy Smith tapes). (As I mentioned in my previous email). It took about a year to loose the weight this time (much slower than my previous efforts). By the time I was down to about 140 lbs (which surpassed where I ever thought I'd get to in the first place), I discovered Cathe. I started with "Rhythmic Step" (which knocked me on my butt, and I thought I was pretty fit after a year of working out), and "Power Hour". After about 1 month, I lost an additional 10 lbs that I wasn't even trying to lose!!!! I'm sure it was the intensity of Cathe's cardio workouts (funny, but I find Rhythmic Step fairly easy now), and the incredible intensity of her weight-training tapes.

Right now, I'm working really hard at maintaining. I've always been a champion at losing the weight, but not so great at keeping it off. I have to tell you, it's a struggle almost each and every day. I've resolved myself to the fact that it always will be. I have suffered some bouts of binge eating, especially over the holidays. It is still REALLY difficult for me to eat some foods in moderation. I am a gigantic fan of ANY type of baked goods (especially muffins, and not the low-fat kinds!!!). I am working hard at maintaining "clean eating" every day. I just feel so much better when I do it (my skin looks better, it shows on my figure, and my self-image is a THOUSAND times better when I'm eating healthy.) So, I stick with the low-fat, but am able to eat more than when I was losing.

I hope this helps. Good luck with everything you are trying to achieve. Remember, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I never would have believed this, but now that my one-year anniversay of maintaining is in the near future, I do believe!!!! I've struggled with weight for 20 years, and I guess it always will be a struggle, but it's so worth every challenge!!!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

OMG!!! What a story!! Did you post under the success story section?!?! I appreciate you sharing your story with me. It is an inspiration. I have not been overweight all my life either, but the past 10 years I keep creeping upwards. Like you, I'm about 5'4", and I weigh in at 204 right now. The biggest I've ever been in my life, and boy do I feel like the Good Year blimp!! I am a single mom (just turned 37 on Sunday) and I work at least 55 hours a week, and go to school as well. Finding that time to workout has been a chore for me, but I know I need to do it, and I know it will give me that extra boost of energy that I need each and everyday. I did hurt my back a little this weekend by shoveling, but it is starting to feel better now so I am hoping to get in a workout tonight. I was also struggling over what type of "rotation" to go for, but I think I might start this week off with doing Power Hour twice, and trying to do cardio four times this week (even if it is just 30 minutes). I'll go from there and see how I do this week, and then hope to do a bit better next week!! Again, thanks for your post. I really enjoyed it, and congrats to you on your success!!!

Thanks a lot Kim. I haven't posted in the success stories, but maybe I will. I'm obviously quite prolific in writing about my scenario (looking back at the email). Plus, I'd love to share my stories with others in the same boat.

Wow, Kate, what an inspiration! You are definitely a success story, especially the fact that you are determined to keep healthy. Keep up the great work & keep posting!!

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