CTX - should I get ?


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-02 AT 12:54PM (Est)[/font][p]Hello everyone!
Although my goal is to lose approx 10-12 lbs and gain some serious muscle, I was wondering if the cross train express tapes are good to have for variety? Right now Cathe had suggested doing PS series for 8 weeks and then SH in addition to Cardio. Somedays I don't have a lot of time and need to combine cardio and weights, plus I get bored quick. Are these good tapes to have to fit in here and there? Also, is the choreography on the cardio portions tough? I'm not good at that and I have limited space for step. Thanks in advance for your help! :)

I HIGHLY recommend the CTX series....the choreography is not tough; the cardio is very intense, and the weight work is great. Leaner Legs, in my opinion, is her best leg workout tape. I never get tired of these tapes, and I will rotate them with longer tapes: for example, a couple of weeks of longer tapes (Imax, Stepfit, Cardio Kicks, Rythmic Step, Circuit Max, etc.) then go into a couple of weeks of the CTX tapes. I don't get as burned out if I do this.

Please don't hesitate to get CTX!!!!
Thanks Honeybunch! I appreciate the feedback. I have seen a lot of good remarks about the Leaner Legs tape and was very curious. I think I just might have to order CTX!! :)
I totally agree with Honeybunch. See what I answered to your other question about building muscle. For awhile during the summer, I did a CTX rotation where I did three of the cardios and added a bodypart to each, so I did 2 bodyparts with the three cardios. I did Circuit Max or MIS for my other day of weights and another day of Cardio.
Hi Lynda, I looked at the response you posted to building muscle. Sounds great! Thanks again! I love this forum, everyone has such great ideas. :)

You SHOULD get!!! I love the CTX series and as one who is a lil' choreo-impaired at first with tapes, I didn't have much trouble at all. AllStep is a bit harder but I think you will love this set!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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