CTX series

I never see posts about any of the workouts in the CTX series. Are they as fun as the other series? Are the premixes good? I realize they are on backorder right now but I might get in line. Thanks for any input you might have.
I love this series. This was my first Cathe purchase, so I will always have a place in my heart for it...

But, seriously. It is an awesome series. You can use it a variety of ways. You can use it as is, one body part a day after about 30 minutes of cardio. All the cardio segments are fun. You can double up with two segments to increase cardio time. You can do all upper body in one workout, too. Then of course, you have Leaner Legs, A.K.A. Meaner Legs. This series has everything. It makes time go by really quick.
Some people consider these weight workouts, endurance workouts, but I personally don't believe so. Each upper body part is performed at 3 sets of 12(something like that?). So it can be used for some pretty decent muscle building, especially if you go on the heavier side.

I recommend it.

I agree with Marla. I got this series last fall and I definitely increased my strength by using it, as is, for about 4 weeks. It's also time-friendly for those of us who only have an hour a day to work out. I highly recommend it.
FYI: Ther are no premixes on the CTX series. I believe premixes showed up with the Intensity series.

I love CTX too. It's a good ready-made rotation for getting your groove back. I am going to be away for 2 weeks pretty soon and I know that I will miss my regular workouts (though I will do some workouts while gone) and I will use a week of CTX upon return to reset my Cathe clock! I'm doing a 3 week S & H rotation now to attempt to get myself tired of my beloved weight work.

Also, since I work out in the early a.m. before the office then family...etc...the guaranteed one hour time frame for work out is just great.

Enjoy it!
CTX is one of my favorite series. I believe it to be the most versatile of all of Cathe's series. You can mix and match the various cardio and weight segments. Plus, it's just plain fun.

I ordered this about two weeks ago and cannot wait - I am hoping to get it in time for August!! My body responds better when I do more cardio (even in short 30 mins bursts) than when I cut cardio out for other things. I only have about one hour a day to workout - so this series should be perfect for me :)

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