CTX series: will it Help w/Weightloss Goals?


Will Crosstrain Express series (w/its shorter cardio sessions) be effective in my weightloss goals??? OR

Do I need to stick w/longer cardio routines and add CTX later?

I'm an overweight, low-intermediate exerciser w/over 60 lbs to lose and I'm so excited about finally ordering the CTX series. I also have most of your step tapes, PS series & MIS. But need to know what's going to be most effective.

P.S. My gratitude to the great folks at this forum and to Cathe for such wonderful tapes. These are valuable encouragement to me.
Hi Crystal!

I think you will be VERY happy with the CTX tapes. It is a great series. I saw great improvement while using them and I am a person who struggles to see ANY results from what I do. I was so pleased and I do think you will be too. Anything new to shock our systems is good even if it is not as long or intense as something else. I had a slight weight loss (only had 10 to lose and lost about 5 lbs. which is great for me!!) but I received lots of improvement in the muscle gain, endurance and the "feel-good" department.:7 Stay consistent and you WILL see results. Let us know how you do.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Thank you

For your response Debbie, I really appreciate hearing from ***someone***.

With so much weight to lose I want to do the tapes that are going to be most effective first. Hmm, maybe saying I was *considering* buying CTX (instead of already purchasing) might have solicited more responses :-(
sorry you were left hanging

Sometimes the group is incredibly verbose about silly stuff & then silent to an earnest question. Sometimes because the answer is "it depends".

I don't have the CTX series but people have posted amazing results. In the end, the most effective exercise is the one you enjoy & do. Even then, it's good to shake things up periodically & the CTX tapes will certainly do that! Have fun.
Hi Crystal! The best advice I can give you when starting a new fitness routine is to NOT do too much too soon. This means ease into how many days you work out, ease into the length of each session, and ease into how hard you push during each workout. Yes, the CTX workouts are shorter but they also involve a lot of impact and are geared toward a 5 day cardio plan (6 day weight plan). Although this series can bring you wonderful results, it is critical that you work into them gradually. Here is what I suggest:

For the first three weeks:

Do only three cardio workouts (two CTX and one walk)plus the weight segments of the entire series over the course of a week.

Start with only TWO CTX cardio sessions per week and get comfortable with the moves. Modify the impact and gradually add it back in over a period of three to six weeks. This will allow your muscles, bones, and joints, an opportunity to get acclimated to the workout.

Your third cardio should be a 40 minute brisk walk (50 minutes total with a warm up and cooldown).

Here is a sample week of the first three weeks:

MONDAY........do a modified CTX of your choice and only do the length that you comfortably can. Do the weight training that is on that tape but be sure to start with light weight(if the tape has abs do them too).

TUESDAY.......do another weight segment from one of the CTX series (if it also includes abs, do them too). Again light weight.

WEDNESDAY......Warm Up, Brisk Walk, Cool Down, stretch. Now do another weight training segment from the CTX series (use light weight and if the tape has abs do them too).

THURSDAY.......Do CTX Leaner Legs. Use very light weight until you get familiar with the tape.

FRIDAY........Take a day off of working out

SATURDAY.......do another modified CTX of your choice and only do the length that you comfortably can. Do the weight training that is on that tape but be sure to start with light weight(if the tape has abs do them too).

SUNDAY........do the remaining weight segment from one of the CTX series (if it also includes abs, do them too). Again light weight.

After the first three weeks, you can add another CTX cardio on a weekly basis, always modifying wherever needed. So by the end of a six weeks you will be doing all five cardio series, modifying whenever needed. As for weights, after your initial three weeks, select the appropriate weight per exercise. Your looking for a weight that allows you to just barely complete the sets (but always using good form).

Good Luck! Please don't be offended if I'm unable to answer a question. I try to answer whatever I can but it is obviously just not possible to answer all of them. Take care :)!
Thank you sooo much!

Thank you very much :-jumpy especially for all the detail.
This is enormously helpful.

I tried my first CTX, "Kickbox"...Whew :-wow! All the tapes look like so much fun & mega intense so I was going to jump right in to doing all 6 tapes per week but your suggestions sound much more reasonable (and easier to survive) so I'm going to try these right away for the next 6 weeks.

I honestly appreciate your time and know that it is limited. It's a kindness and a wonderful extra that many forums don't offer. Sorry, I didn't mean to 'sound' bratty, I just really appreciate the wisdom and experience of the folks here and was a little anxious for some guidance. It's such a fight to get fit and this forum has been a HUGE inspiration.

Thank you!!!!
RE: Thank you sooo much!

Crystal, I would like to thank you for your original questions as they concern me also. Cathe, thank you from ALL OF US for your time and patience. Your detailed plan has helped me to set up a timetable and has helped my shaky but enthusiastic plans enormously. Those of us who are new or even somewhat new to fitness often don't have the slightest idea what we are doing! It can be hard to commit to something you're not sure of. Cathe, I love your tapes and this site and appreciate everything you do for us very much! Crystal, I too have weight to lose (approx. 50 lbs.) and strength to build. I would love to share tips, concerns, progress ...whatever! Weight training is my favourite, but I have a newfound fondness for step & hope to learn to love kickboxing. Let us know how Cathe's advice works out for you. You go girl!
Hi "Starlight"

I know that if we both stick with it we will reach our weightloss goals. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and like I will never get there, so I'm trying to focus on one day at a time instead.

I think you will really like kickboxing. I'm fairly new to it too! I've done Kickbox and 10-10-10 so far and I'm loving the CTX series! I have some serious soreness in biceps, triceps and back muscles (from punching) to prove it :-wow ! I definitely see why Cathe advised me to ease in, these tapes are more ****intense**** than I thought.

Here's to our success, I'll keep you posted :7

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