CTX rotation result



I have been doing Cathe on and off or last few months. I am planning to do a CTX training rotaion for next 3 weeks. My goal is to improve tone and lose some weight.

Did anyone have much success with CTX rotation that they would like to share?

I'm starting a CTX rotation on Sunday, too. I was planning to try it for 6 weeks. I'd also like to hear what results people have had. I'm hoping it will be enough to get me ready for the Hardcore series.
Hi you two,

Hope you enjoy CTX. My upper body had noticeable results with CTX in a very short time. My lower body did well also (not a drastic change but fair). I really like this series and there are so many ways to use it. The cardio is fun. A little about me. I find endurance workouts harder for me than stregnth. I hope you get some more testimonials. Get back to us.

I also am doing a CTX rotation this month. I will be supplementing CTX with upper body heavy weight lifting at the gym. That way, I get all body parts in twice a week. I'll probably also do a low impact cardio day (i.e. bike or elliptical) with some Pilates or yoga. My rotation will look something like this...

Sunday - Supersets
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - CTX cardio + two CTX body parts (+3 body parts at gym)
Wednesday - Bike or Elliptical + Pilates
Thursday - CTX Leaner Legs + two CTX body parts (+3 body parts at gym)
Friday - 2 CTX Cardios (no weights)or some non-CTX cardio
Saturday - CTX Power Circuit + yoga or stretch

I'll let you know how it turns out.

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