CTX question?


I was wondering if CTX was designed to be done over a six day period? I haven't purchased it yet, but reading up on it I see it's a set of six tapes, and I'm wondering if they were originally designed to be done over the course of six consecutive days? I've seen some rotations that pick and choose different parts of the CTX series, but I don't believe I've seen one that was totally all CTX and completed in 1 week. I ask this because I have a schedule where I work out cardio/weights mix 6 days and yoga on Sundays, so this might be a really fun and challenging series if I could do this as a complete weeks workout and hit every area I need to.
Please, any and all feedback welcome, Donna
You can definitely do the CTX series as a complete weeks workout and hit every area, that's how the workout was designed. I think you see more posts about picking and choosing different parts because it's also a great series for adding on to other workouts. It's a very versatile set of videos. I love 'em!

Hi Donna! Love your handle name! Yes by all means you can do the tapes as Cathe has designed them. The only thing I will say however is that if you want to see some and keep some muscle definition then do the weight training first and then do the cardio. Just do a simple warmup first and then get into the workout. I had done these tapes using cardio first and then her weight training and didn't see any muscle gains. You will be sore though. I guarantee it. All of that cardio got my bodyfat down even further which at the time was what I wanted. Sooo, give it a whirl! You won't be disappointed! I hope this helps. Best, Kathy
hey, kathy!
just curious as to why a person should do the weight part first? i've never thought it makes all that much difference. i'm always afraid my muscles would be too tired to do arm movements etc if i lifte weights BEFORE my workout, so i would really appreciate it if you could enlighten me on this one. :) thank you!

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