Hi Cathe!
I asked this a couple a days ago, but I think it got buried!
My question concerns dumbells and barbells. I do not have a barbell. Per your advice, I am using 3, 5, and 8 lb. dumbells since I have not used weights in the past.
When you are using your barbell, what do I do at home with my dumbells? I assume when you are doing upper body work, I should put my dumbells in the same position. I am not sure about lower body work though. What do I do with squats and lunges, etc?
Also, one more question. When you reduce your amt. of weight on the second set of a particular exercise, should I also do that? Since I am using such light weights, I have been keeping the same weight for the duration of all sets in a particular exercise --- but then I started thinking maybe there was a benefit to reducing the weights.
I absolutely love the ctx series. It has opened up a whole new world for me! I tell everyone I know about your tapes and about this website. It has really made a difference in my life. Thanks to all the 'educated crowd'....and thanks to you Cathe!!
I asked this a couple a days ago, but I think it got buried!
My question concerns dumbells and barbells. I do not have a barbell. Per your advice, I am using 3, 5, and 8 lb. dumbells since I have not used weights in the past.
When you are using your barbell, what do I do at home with my dumbells? I assume when you are doing upper body work, I should put my dumbells in the same position. I am not sure about lower body work though. What do I do with squats and lunges, etc?
Also, one more question. When you reduce your amt. of weight on the second set of a particular exercise, should I also do that? Since I am using such light weights, I have been keeping the same weight for the duration of all sets in a particular exercise --- but then I started thinking maybe there was a benefit to reducing the weights.
I absolutely love the ctx series. It has opened up a whole new world for me! I tell everyone I know about your tapes and about this website. It has really made a difference in my life. Thanks to all the 'educated crowd'....and thanks to you Cathe!!