RE: ctx step
I would suggest getting a barbell. Weights can be substituted, but it is nice to get a different range of motion and to hit the muscles at different angles. Shoulders uses only dumbbells, but Cathe uses a barbell for chest, back, triceps, biceps, and legs. Do you have a used sporting goods store in your town? I got one for $20.00 and plates are pretty cheap if you have a Sportmart, Galyans, near you. I Firmed for 8 years before I 'found' Cathe and my strength seemed to increase almost immediately! You will love it! As for the choreography, girl, I am impared in that arena, but it really wasn't bad. All Step is by far the trickiest, but watch each video before you attempt them and really pay attention to the cues that Cathe gives, directional changes, etc. I don't have a big workout room at all so when Cathe double grapevines or walks for 8 counts, I either walk in place, or just curve my grapevine so that it makes an L and I don't end up walking into the door. This is the BEST series!!!