CTX on DVD????


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-02 AT 12:59PM (Est)[/font][p]I want the New CTX Upper Body but not on Tape.. Do you plan on releasing this on DVD. Maybe combine it with ab's.. I use my computer to watch my DVD's and it works great in my workout room.

Hi Lorene! The CTX workouts are already available on DVD. The DVD is chaptered so that you can select to do only the upper body weight segments if thats what you prefer:).
Hi Cathe
Thank your for getting back to me.. I realize that CTX is already on DVD but the entire series... which some of the high intensity and kickbox I cannot do because I get some pain in my knees and my age 54.. but I can use the Leaner legs.

I already have Power Hr, Pure st. Slow and Heavy (I love)
If I order the CTX how can I get the same as advertised in the CTX upper body workout? Do I just chose on the DVD the body parts

Now I am on the 3rd wk of Tank top rotation and love it...
I am now visiting in the states but when I return home I want to send to you a picture of me working out on my bench with 2 of my 4 Jack Russell's laying on my stomach.. a kodak moment

A true fan
I'm not Cathe but I thought I'd chime in here.
On the CTX 2 DVD set, on the second DVD there is a section in which you can play all of the CTX upper body strength exercises together. So, they are featured together with the cardio workouts, and additionally as a stand-alone upper body workout.
If you want further clarification, check the DVD chapters on the CTX DVD page. That should clear things up.
Hope this is helpful,
Thank you for the info.. I have been debating for months to order this DVD.. Thinking it was to much for me but now I am going to order it.
HOw do you like CTX and how do you use it.
Hi. I think the issue is that she'd rather pay $20 for one upper body cd rather than $89 for the CTX SERIES.

Lorene, do you own the CTX series on tape, by chance? I do, and I also have 3 vcrs, so I made my own CTX Upper body tape! I also made my own Abs tape with 6 Cathe ab routines and 1 Karen Voight! I know that probably wasn't much help -- I hope you can come up with something.

Hi Lorene,
Well LOL I haven't used any of the cardio yet. Just the strength work and abs.

Thing is, to do the cardio on CTX, I think I would do well to really learn well at least a few of the older cathe step tapes.
The main caveat with them, for me the novice Cathe cardio-er, is that she doesn't show you the moves in these tapes as repeatedly as she does in other tapes (because so much needs to be crammed in to a half-an-hour). Therefore I need to dive into her older stuff, which I am in the process of doing. (Currently I use Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Wedding Tape, MIC hi/lo -done once so far-and I'm trying Mega Step Blast for the first time tonight-also dipped my toe in the pool of Imax this week).
As you can see, I am on a bit of a 'Cathe Odyssey'! I probably won't get to the cardios on CTX for a few months (except maybe Kickbox). I do use the CTX abs sections though (especially love the Kickbox abs section).

I feel confident in the knowledge that after I master a few of Cathe's other tapes, CTX cardios will be fine for me to handle.
You are right about, only at this time want the upper body workout, but on DVD.. I am in living in the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean and the system is different here.
Most of the video's from the states don't work here so that is why I choose to use my compter to play my DVD's..
I love all my dvd's and want to add to my collection but am not sure if I can use all the different cardo workouts that are listed..
I am also like Kathy, previously posted, that I am not so good a steps and takes me forever to learn the routine.

Hi Lorene!!

Okay, I understand now. :) That's a great idea -- using your computer to play your workout dvds!!

It may take you a several times to learn the routines, but Cathe's cuing is so great that it gets easier and easier!


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