That's great that you want to start teaching. I really enjoy it--and, it gaurantees I'll be working out that matter how life tries to sidetrack me!
I started teaching ten years ago. I was certified by AFAA. The process wasn't very difficult and I enjoyed the anatomy/physiology part a lot. I have since let me certification drop, as it isn't a requirement in our state. It can be expensive to maintain your certification if you aren't being reimbursed by your gym...not to mention find the time as a mother of 2 w/ 3 PT jobs!
I work for the Y and a karate school, neither of whom, is concerned w/ the aerobic certification. They do, however, want CPR and First Aid. I think that is very important to have. You'll need CPR before you can be certified w/ ACE or AFAA. Check w/ your local Red Cross or YMCA for a class.
I begin my class choosing my music first..I'm all about singing while working out..takes the mind off the pain!
I warm up with 135-138 beats per minute. Stretch. Then, drop the music down to 122-126 for body scultping. I work from the bottom up. Legs, then back, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders. Usually, I finish floor work where I take requests..some days it is more butt (table work), inner/outer thighs, or additional upper body from the floor, such as chest presses, pec flies, or triceps (skull crushers). I always end with abs. I've most women aren't satisfied w/ class unless there has been ab work.
To keep things long can squats stay intersting? I add exercises together. For example, squats, followed by squat then bringing the feet together, add on walk squat..wide right, squat narrow w/ feet together, squat wide left. I'll start w/ 8 counts of each, then 4, then 2, then singles. On an intense day, bring it all the way back up to 8. To finish off, I might squat, then right leg lunge and back to squat. Trust me, they think you're a genius when you combine exercises!
I'll also use varying weights in class. Instead of doing a lot of reps like above. I might start w/ a warmup of lunges, then have them go to the heaviest weight and do 8, then, their mid weight and do 16 and the lowest weight to 24.
I've been working out so long, I've just gotten creative in coming up w/ ideas so I don't get bored! Sometimes I'll see something in a video or another instructors class that I'll tuck away. Another good source is A collaboration site for fitness instructors.
Besides using weights, I use bands, a kickball (dollar store! Good for placing in between the thighs while doing abs and bridges. I also like heels on the ball while doing bridges) and their own body weight. One of my favorite exercises is a plyometric push-up using the wall..stand about a foot away from the wall, hands at shoulder height a body width wide, push off the wall, hands over head, hands back on the wall before they smack their nose!
I hope this has been certainly was lengthy! If I can be of further help, please let me know.