CTX All Step ?


I just did All Step for the first time today (I'm new to Cathe's videos, but am finally catching on to the choreography -- yay!) and was wondering if it makes much of a difference to do the shoulder work while sitting on the bench. I was so wiped out from the cardio that it felt really good to be able to just sit down instead of doing the weight work while standing. Will that affect my results or is it an okay option? -- Renee

I must be the only one who doesn't have the CTX series...yet! I have just about everything else, though! In the PS series for Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, Cathe has us do some shoulder work sitting down, and she says that sometimes doing the work in a seated position makes it tougher. I'm not sure what the shoulder work is that you are talking about, but I'd bet you're not "cheating" yourself by sitting down.


I agree with Veronica. Cathe mentions in one or two of her vidoes how even standing with your feet together or apart can make the movement feel different. Maybe, once you don't feel so wiped out after the cardio, you can shake it up a bit by TRYING it standing. otherwise, Go 4 It sitting! Welcome!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Thanks to both of you. And I really admire any of you who can zip through any of her workouts. I've been doing FIRM videos for over a year now and love them, but needed to sweat a bit more with some more challenging cardio. And challenging, she is! (and fun :)) -- Renee

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