crystalized ginger


i have an excellent recipe for ginger snaps(Ms Fields)that call for crytalized ginger. where do i get it?
At this time of year especially you should have no trouble finding it in the produce section of your grocery store or wherever they keep nuts and dried fruits. Also, try your local health food/specialty food stores. I live in San Diego and we have Trader Joe's which is where I buy mine. Otherwise, you can buy it online at Penzey's spices. Hope that helps...

Good Luck!

:) Nicole

Oh...I would really love it if you would post the recipe! :9
Hello! I bought some last year to make cranberry chutney, and I purchased mine at a Kroger in Georgia where you find the herbs and spices (it was bottled). I haven't used it since, and it was not cheap, so would you share your recipe for the cookies?

Hey - would you be "into" sharing that recipe? I love gingersnaps!

My daughter says she wants to leave gingerbread cookies for Santa. I don't think she'll know the difference.
I see them in my grocery store in the spice/herb section. Also, you could make your own crystalized ginger. I've never made them but you can look at this site and see what they have. They're DELICIOUS!


21/2 cups of flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp diced crystallized ginger
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
11/4 dark brown sugar
3/4 C salted butter
1 large egg
1/4 C unsulfured molasses

Preheat oven to 300. in a medium bowl combine flour,soda,salt,ground ginger,crystallized ginger, allspice,and pepper. In a large bowl, mix sugar and butter with an electric mixer at medium speed. Scrape down the sides of the bowl. Add egg and molasses and beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add the flour mixture and mix at low speed just until combined. Do not over mix. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. The dough will be less sticky and easy to handle. Form dough into balls 1 inch in diamitor. Place onto ungreased cookie sheets 11/2 inches apart. Bake 24-25 minutes. Use a spatula to immediately transfer cookies to a cool flat surface

yield 2 dozen

I have the Mrs. Fields cook book. My favorite cookie in the world is her pecan supremes-yumm!
Thanks!!!! I'm going to get the stuff and make these this weekend for "Special Grandparent's Christmas" (that's the special day that Santa comes to leave presents so kids can celebrate Christmas with their grandparents who leave for vacation on Christmas Day:D )

I didn't know Mrs. Fields had a cookbook. Might have to snag that one!
i went to the grocery store and found crystalled ginder but it was in slices. how do i make it into granuals?

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