<--- Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war

<--- says her fave tragedy is King Lear
<--- hopes Nance enjoys her soft foods;)
<--- says we have a town near here called Stratford and they have a Shakespeare festival every summer
<--- would like to go this year
<--- wonders if anyone has seen Kenneth Branagh's 'Henry V'?
<--- says the St. Crispin's day speech made her want to up and fight for the good king!
<--- is entirely too jealous of Judy's vacation!
<--- Would like to go to the festival
<--- Hopes Judy has a great time
<--- wonders if Wendy is sore from the big workout yesterday?
<--waves hello hello to all :)
<--remembers having to memorize a passage from Romeo and Juliet in 8th grade ... "But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief,That thou her maid art far more fair than she..."<--has forgotten the rest :)
<--is going to be pretty busy for the next few days but will try to get on forums if <--can :)
<--now is looking at calendar to join Robin's meeting ... wonders if wanna-be-buff PMSing babes can come too :)
<--says welcome bunbun!
<--LOL at PMS yoga practice :)
<--tells Rogue ... good goin' on the spinnin' :)
<--wishes Debbie fun fun fun at 2 yr old b-day party!
<--waves Hi to Wendy :)
<--thanks Tammy for the Java invite :)
<--likes Michele's friend's quote
<--is sorry for Nancy's dental woes <--hopes Nancy's pain goes away soon
<--hopes Judy's trip is great great!
<--has meeting every day this week to do paperwork etc.. for <--'s move ... <--can't believe all the paperwork!
<--is stressing and needs a good Cathe fix to de-stress!
<--says "Parting is such sweet sorrow..." :)

CAth :)
<--enters, striding onto the stage, clutching a dog of war

Out, out brief candle
Life is but a walking shadow
a poor player
who struts and frets
his hour upon the stage and then is heard no mor
It is a tale told by an idiot
full of sound and fury
signifying nothing

<---exits on horse back

Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<---wonders if Kassia does inversions on her "moon days"
<---thinks yoga could be very beneficial for PMS
<---hear that Shelley :p
<---bows, says namaste, departs to train hubby's legs
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<---tips her cap at all the fair maidens out there in Cathedom!!
<---took a Shakespeare class in college and doesn't even have one quote in her head at the moment!
<---wishes she had Linda Hamilton arms!!
<---rides off to teach a step class that never has any participants!!
<---thinks maybe she should just teach the step class anyway and watch the passerbys stare!!}(

<---wishes she oculd take Carolyn's class with all the <---'s
<---thinks that would be a blast
<---has far more Shakespheare than she can presently (forthwith) pull out of her head
<---has discovered she can get DOMS in the crook of her elbow and weeps, thinking of the triceps workout to com
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/tiere/animal-smiley-032.gif
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
<--- Asks Shelley if she saw the Phantom of the Opera in England?
<--- saw the Phantom on broadway in NYC for the first time when the British actors were there for a short time.
<--- thinks they did better job than most singers other than Crawford and Brightman
<--- wonders if anyone feels plays being turned into movies is a bad idea in some ways?
<--- didn't see the Phantom
<--- saw many other musicals though
<--- saw the King and I with Yul Brynner and Hello Dolly with Carol Channing and Barnum with Michael Crawford:)
<--- went to the theatre and the ballet a LOT in England
<-- mopes in to say good morning to all!
<-- just read the thread to get to shelley's compliment
<-- :eek: :eek: :7 :eek: :7 :7 thinks that was The Most Amazing Compliment Ever
<-- just realized <-- only did MM upper body push/pull this morning x( and will never get to Linda Hamilton arms that way!!!
<-- did warmup AND abs at boot camp this morning
<-- sat on the wet playground asphalt and got all dirty and cold
<-- wonders if there is every enough coffee for all you coffee drinkers?!?
<-- has desire only to watch the 2 year old party, not participate or clean up after it!! :eek:
<-- is super late
<-- wonders if any are surprised??
<-- thanks Rogue for telling Shelley to spill it
<-- thinks Wendy should post more photos of Elmohead Joey
<-- wants all moms to post cute photos of their younguns so <-- can say "awww" all day long
<-- or all moms can just come to my work and keep me entertained!!!
<-- is very glad not to be in the Darkroom like Robin :eek:
<-- wants Michele's magnet. <-- doesn't think you need to understand it, it's cool either way :D
<-- really HAS to get in that shower now and head to work!!!
<-- says HAPPY NON-MONDAY, ALL!!!!!! :7 :7 :7

<-- just saw Nancy had a root canal yesterday. :eek: :eek: :eek:
<-- thinks Nancy's DH is a smartie pie }(
<-- waves wildly to Shelley who was posting at the same time as <--
<--- Would love to see Michael Crawford on stage
<--- Prefers Laurence Olivier though
<--- How old were you when you saw Yul Brenner as <--- heard he died youngish?
<--- Thinks Kenneth Branaugh is a good Shakespearan actor though he could be overly dramatic at times
<---wow! has been busy in DARKROOM (cue the eerie music, start the fog machine)
<---thinks you all have been busy too
<---groans with Nancy over root canal
<---hopes her teeth ordeals are over now
<---tells Judy to slap on the sunscreen, grab the straw hat and put on her flip flops - Margaritaville is ready and waiting
<---says You go girl to Wendy and all the other Jan rotators
<---tells Shelley Kenneth B's Henry V gave me goose bumps too
<---but you ain't seen Shakespeare till you've seen a "Bloody Best of" parody at the PA Ren Faire
<---thanks Michele, again for prayers and tells her to keep praying, because:


<---was told he had a "conflict"
<---got up early, came to work early, rearranged WO schedule to meet and he has conflict
<---will give him a conflict
<---but, so proud of self, didn't drown woes in cookies at lunch
<---as Bill said "what a piece of work is man"
<---pops into thread to say quick HELLO to ^^^^ and vvvv!
<---tells Lisa that <---felt it in <---'s legs this morning while doing Low Max and has MORE Low Max to do in a few minutes! }(
<---feels great otherwise!
<---says sorry, no time to chat...off to the races!}(
<---says yo shakespearian beauties
<---feeling too fried to sound literary right now ;)
<---had kick butt awesome spin class...high fives Rogueypoo
<---came home and did SS
<---says Cathe always makes me cry with static lunges (one foot on the step) WAAAAAAAAAAAAH
<---is ready to paaaaarrrrtaaaay w/ a bunch of 3 ft tall people
<---says who can beat the chicken dance and ice cream cake?
<---hopes everyone is having a pleasant afternoon
<---ducks for Bobbi and her oncoming horse...et tu, Brute?

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--pops in during lunch
<--is eating lentil soup
<--wouldn't mind eating lentil soup if didn't also have to eat soup for dinner :-(
<--can't stop herself from saying that today is a sad day for women because Wendy Wasserstein died and Alito was appointed
<--says it's raining here in NY and there may be some snow tonight too
<--is now thinking about dinner and wondering if sushi is "soft" food?
<--is getting excited thinking that maybe it is?
<--says hope your party isn't too dull Bewbie, I mean Debbie
<--is so sorry to hear about Robin's cancelled meeting!
<--- has a sick little girl at home:(
<--- will be leaving shortly to pick her up and take her to the walk-in clinic
<--- tells Nancy that sushi is most definitely soft-ish, depending on what you choose;)
<--- now wants sushi
<--- hopes Debbie manages to avoid all the yummy but fattening food at the partay
<--- loves lentil soup
<---hopes Nance graduates to solid food soon
<---says YEAH!!! for Alito appointment and ? Wendy wasserwho? (sorry Nance)
<---feels outraged over the run around Robin is getting and doesn't know how Robin remains so cool--she would've eaten at least a dozen cookies:eek: ;)
<---says Debbie is truly one of the funniest people she has met on the forum and thanks her for the many laughs
<---thinks Debbie, Robin, and Shelley could write a great comedy and star in it themselves
<---would definitely buy a ticket
<---don't know how she missed that Judy is going on vacation but hopes she has a great time and doesn't worry too much about calories. <---says she has never gained weight on a vacation because of all the walking and sightseeing so EAT UP and enjoy}( :9
<---is so sorry to hear about Sophie and hopes it's nothing serious
<---is off to start dinner

<---waves good afternoon to all you babes
<---got a great start on last year's spring cleaning:eek:
<---still has lots to do
<---has starting just throwing things out as <--- HATES clutter
<---hopes Miss Sophie feels better soon
<---tells Nany sushi would qualify for a soft food in my book
<---sends evil vibes to the mean support coordinator at MHMR who is giving Robin the run-a-round
<---learned some Shakespeare today
<---says who'd a thunk it!:p
<--called DH and told him he's taking <-- out for sushi tonight
<--he protested a bit
<--knows she will ultimately win if she plays the wounded card }(
<--is missing REAL food and can't think about anything else
<--needs to keep working on DH who thinks we spend too much money on going out to dinner
<--doesn't think it's possible to go out to dinner too often }(
<--apologizes for being obsessed with sushi


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