Cross train Xpress


I was just wondering if someone could save me a step - Does anyone have the times broken down on the workouts. I know it shows the times on the homepage but I mean broken down further such as in the 10 -10-10 how long is each segment and so on. Also, as you know I am not good with the computer or tech stuff, If I wanted to add a section to the cardio say one of the 10-10-10 how could I do it on the DVD? Does all the make scence?
Hi Jane!

I have broken down the cardio sections of CTX. It goes like this:

Power Circuit

Warm-up: 5 min.
Lo Impact: 3:15
Hi Impact: 3:57
Step Circuits: 10:17
Kickbox Circuits: 11:10

10 10 10

Warm-up: 6 min.
Kickbox: 5:22
Hi-Lo: 8:18
Step: 10:08

Step & Intervals

Warm-up: 9:00
Step: 10:08
Intervals: 10:42

All Step

Warm-up: 5:42
Step: 22:00


Warm-up: 9:00
Kickbox: 15:00
Arm Drills: 7:20

The above times is where the timer started at the beginning of the section. If you want to do a particular section, click on "Chapters". Only that section will play. Once you are done with that "chapter" click on the "DVD menu" on your remote and it will return you to the DVD menu. Hope this is what you were looking for and you find it helpful.


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